Monday, January 24, 2011

Big and Tall, Short and Small, It's Muffin Tin Monday

It's Muffin Tin Monday, and the theme is Big and Tall, Short and Small. 
We added an additional theme this week.
It's called the I-Don't-Want-to-Wait-A-Year-To-Use-the-Awesome-MTM-Stuff-I-Got-On-Christmas-Clearance Theme.
Indeed, I found cute snowmen and gingerbread picks on clearance at Kroger for 50 cents.  And I found present shaped muffin tin liners at A.C. Moore for $3.99.
Pierce had two BIG and TALL turkey/cheese/bacon/mustard/pickle sandwich stacks.  He loves this combination and never leaves behind as much as a crumb.  And I'm happy to have found a sandwich he loves so much that is quick to make.
Peas and peaches are SHORT and SMALL.
Pierce ate all of these too.  
Guess he was hungry!

Check out other fun Muffin Tin Monday creations:
 Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


Anonymous said...

I love your club sandwiches. I won't want to wait to use your cool muffin tin items either.

Sugary Flower said...

Hee hee - I like your additional theme! :o) Don't forget you can use the super-cute present-shaped cups on birthdays too!

Tonya Hache said...

OH! I love this! the gift tins are sweet-- great for a birthday too!

Our tin today is a birthday tin... for our dog! LOL!!

~Rockabye Butterfly~

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Baby Girl...he wasn't hungry. He was afraid that Reid was going to take them!...:)JP

Meredith said...

love your muffin cups! I saw those at Target cute!

Christina said...

I love those present shaped liners! TOO cute! I totally wouldn't have waited, either. :)

SnoopyGirl said...

I love your Don't-Want-to-Wait-A-Year-To-Use-the-Awesome-MTM-Stuff-I-Got-On-Christmas-Clearance Theme. Very fun! Happy Monday!

Doris Sturm said...

It's all in the presentation! Kids and adults love foods that are pleasing to the eye - kids like it to be fun and we like it to be colorful and fresh looking - nice packaging, mom!

Nancy said...

Oh, how cute! Your kids must look forward to meals! Very creative. :)

Angela said...

That was just too cute to wait until next year to use! You can use the presents for birthday's too! Can't wait to see what you come up with next week. Your kids get to eat the neatest meals!

Have a Great Day!

Ludicrous Mama said...

I used mine after Christmas too! I used the trees in a "Winter theme' and the presents to make cupcakes for my sister's January birthday! But I would totally have found an excuse to use them for MTM too! Maybe we should do a Christmas in July theme!

Julie said...

Hi! I wasn't quite sure how else to contact you (did not see your email here) but wanted to let you know that I saw your tweet regarding needing a blog designer for some changes. My design site is: and I'd be happy to work with you on any changes!

Thanks ;)

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

LOL love the theme name, I would be using those right now too, they are so cute!

Jenni Price said...

Your mini sandwiches sound good! Also I like your little red muffin tin liners! Very cute!