Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hitchin' a Ride

The temperature yesterday was almost 70*.  I could barely stand my inability to run.  So I decided to see if riding would hurt my knee.

I usually take my point and shoot camera when I ride, because it's lighter and cheaper to replace.  TexWisGirl just told me yesterday that her point and shoot has a macro lens feature.  I decided to mess with mine (yes, had it a year, but never opened the instruction booklet).

Can you see the photographer reflected in Phoenix's eye?

We just took it easy.
I have my knees issues, and Phoenix has been lightly lame the past couple of times I've ridden.  He has been for x-rays and a vet specialist previously, but nothing could be pinpointed.
I expect he's just getting some arthritis.  So we mostly walked.  He's not lame at the walk.  Only at the trot, and only around corners going to the left.  Whatever is bothering him, it's mild at least.

Better than a remote control in the hand:

Down the old logging road.  It's been a while since I've posted any adventures down what we call 'the old road'.  One of my favorite parts of our land is the old road.

Ah, friends don't let friends roll in the dirt alone:

This post is linked with Angela's Show and Tail at WV Treasures.

Have you entered my giveaway yet?  Go check it out here!


Anonymous said...

Yesterday look like is was a beautiful day for a ride.

Marg said...

Gosh this is so much fun for our Mom. Almost like she was riding herself. Love the picture of the old road. What fun.
Thanks for coming by our blog to give Lucky some purrs and purrayers.

Valerie Boersma said...

I can't wait for warmer weather here-I miss the fresh air.
It looks like you had a great day indeed, and ended up with some good photos too! I especially like the "better than a remote control" one.
I feel your pain on your knee issues too.
Both of mine are bad-I was hit by a pick up truck a few years ago while I was out walking and my knees were never the same after:(

ain't for city gals said...

I hope you can get back to running soon..or at least fast walking...I am so glad that I am still able to jog at the age of 57..I have always been careful of my knees for just that reason. So glad you can at least get outside and seeing nature from the back of a horse is a good thing...

Melodie said...

It looks like you have a beautiful place to ride!

Sandy said...

I love that close up of his eye. Have you tried giving him a dose of bute before you ride? It might help with his lameness a bit.

Verde Farm said...

I just love your blog! I wish I had horses--we just don’t have enough land. I hope someday. So glad I found you :)

Rambling said...

Your place looks lovely!

Jane said...

I love that old road too. Your horse is very pretty,looks like it was a nice day for a ride. I am following your blog, you are welcome to follow mine as well. Blessings jane

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Great photos. I love the one where you're looking through his ears at the old road ahead.

Fashion Mom said...

lovely post, we like horses x

Christine said...

Hi Lisa. Sorry to hear you're not able to run right now. Nothing is more frustrating to a runner than a sports injury! I am just finally healing from a 9 month battle with planter fasciitis and am finally running again. Nothing more than 5K but that's my happy place, anyway. I hope you heal quickly and get running again soon!

Great photos of your horses and your ride. It's amazing what you can learn about your camera by reading the instruction booklet, isn't it? ^_^

Angela said...

Oh I love your old logging road! Ours is just straight up and down. Yours is nice and flat! Looks like a great place to take a ride!

Tuesdays' Show & Tail!

Sue McPeak said...

How wonderful to be able to ride in the country. Loved your photos and your commentary! I used to ride, but now just photograph horses. They are so majestic and your Phoenix is a grand guy.

This is my first time to Show and Tail, and I hope you will stop by my blog and see my bird shots. You have inspired me to post my horses for another time.

Michaele said...

Beautiful day for a ride. I love the "friends don't let friends.." line. Nice blog!

Dawn said...

Oh this is wonderful!!!!! What a perfect ride.....just as good as a run. Promise. And you don't get all yucky and sweaty. I'm jealous...I'm too scared to get on our horses...so I just watch my daughter!

nanniepannie said...

What a wonderful way to spend a sunny afternoon.

Chatty Crone said...

You have horses too? You surprise me. sandie

30ish Mama said...

That old road looks so charming, like nothing can ever go wrong there. Beautiful pictures!

Kelly said...

I love that you can see the photog in the horse's eye. Those little details really make a photo :)

Myya said...

That sounds like a perfectly peaceful day!!!

TexWisGirl said...

I missed this post - I saw it pop up in my reader, but you must have posted it then pulled it back to post at a later time because it wasn't available. Then the reader doesn't realize when it's reposted so I never saw it the first time around... :(

LOVE the horse eye photo! Great job! Glad the P&S camera works!!!