Sunday, March 13, 2011

Easy Canvas Prints - A Review

Recently I was contacted by Easy Canvas Prints to see if I would be interested in reviewing one of their products.  For a long time I've had this fabulous picture of my grandmother and have been longing to do something with it.  So it seemed like the perfect fit.

Easy Canvas Prints allows you to take a picture and turn it into a canvas print.  One thing I really loved about their website is how easy it is to use.  Just a four step process to create a masterpiece.

I already had this picture scanned into my computer.
This picture is of my grandmother, Lin Lin, and was taken in 1945 (according to the date written in pencil on the back).
I just love how vibrant and young she is.  Doesn't she look full of life?

First I went to the website and clicked on the 'Start Designing Now' button. 
You select your canvas size (I chose 11x14) and how thickly you want the image wrapped (I chose gallery wrap - 1.5 inches).

On the next step you will upload your image.  I've used other photo sites that took ages to upload an image.  With Easy Canvas Prints, the photo uploaded very quickly - no waiting at all.
Their guidelines will tell you if the resolution is too low or not.

Once you've uploaded your image, you will choose the border.  There are several options (including wrapping an image around the corners or choosing a color for your border), but I chose the mirror wrap option, which extends the picture around the sides in a mirror image.

Here is a close up:

Finally, you will select image options.  You can turn a color photo into black and white or sepia, and you can have minor or major retouching done.  Now you may have noticed that my photo does have a crease running across it and some white in the upper corner.  However, I decided I didn't want to fix these things, because I think they give an old photo character.  This option would be a great service, though, if you had issues in a picture that you did want fixed.

Once you've completed those four steps, then off to checkout!  It's really that simple.

A few days later the package arrived on my doorstep. 
I wasn't sure how it would turn out because it was such an old photo, but I am thrilled with the results.
What a wonderful way to enjoy this picture!
And when Paul saw it he immediately wanted to make some of the old black and white photos he has of his relatives into canvas prints.

As much as I want to keep this for myself, this particular picture is actually intended for my Dad.  You see, his birthday is in a week, and I suspect he might really love this picture of his mother to hang on the wall.  Happy birthday, Dad!  I hope you love this print as much as I do.

Disclaimer:  I was provided one canvas print in exchange for a review.  All of the opinions expressed above are my own. 


Anonymous said...

I have never seen that picture before of Mom!! What a great picture of her. Thanks Lisa Dad

Mere said...

That's really neat!

Nancy said...

Love this. What a great way to preserve and display a favorite photograph. :)

Anonymous said...

I have never seen that picture of mom either. I love it. Great idea and I'm sure your dad will treasure it.


Lille Diane said...

Wow!! This is so cool!! I just got married in Sept and this would be a perfect way to display my favorite wedding pic. Plus I really like the wrap effect. Hmmmm now you really got my wheels turning. Thanks!!

TexWisGirl said...

I had just found the canvas print thing yesterday while admiring a photographer's prints for sale. (Still considering buying one but couldn't decide whether I wanted mirror image or black sides.) So glad yours came out so wonderfully! :)

Valerie Boersma said...

I love this idea! I now want to have this done with a picture of my uncle-and hang it in my studio!
I'd also do what you did-and not do any retouching-but leave an old photo the same as it is.
Thanks for sharing this-this is really a cool idea!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

You are such a smart cookie! It's a GREAT picture and, as you say, full of life!...:)JP

Inger said...

Thank you so much for this. I have some old photos too and what a great way to bring them out of the closet and onto the wall. I'm sure your Dad will be thrilled. Such a thoughtful gift.--Inger

Anonymous said...

so nice

Sandy said...

Love this! I have a picture of my Mom and her sister that I want to do this with. Thanks for sharing.

Verde Farm said...

I’m so glad you shared this today--I have been looking for a site to do this too. I found a site but it was pricey I thought. I am going to check this out. I love the way you wrapped the picture around the edge too--that’s a good touch :)
Happy Birthday to you Dad--he will love it!

Anonymous said...

Your dad is going to love this canvas! Great choice!

laughwithusblog said...

It came out great! I've seen these advertised and wondered how they'd look. Thanks!

Jane said...

Thanks Lisa,for sharing this. My brother has some pics of our mother that he has been wanting to do something with.I think this would be perfect. Blessings jane

Chatty Crone said...

Lisa I really liked that - glad they contacted you to do one. Your grandma was a pretty lady as well. It was sure different years ago wasn't it? sandie

Tiggeriffic said...

What a great way of doing a Kind Deed for your Dad.. and especially for his birthday.. such thoughtfullness~! This is something you are teaching your children..what a wonderful gift you are giving them.
Have a Tiggeriffic Day..

Rambling said...

Very cool ... I never would have thought of using an old photo for something like this.

Myya said...

That picture is gorgeous. I LOOVE old pictures. So amazing to look back & have those memories.

My Mad World said...

Love it too! What a wonderful pic!
How lucky that all these wonderful people keep contacting you! :)

Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...

Very cool picture. You've inspired me. This is much better than sitting in an old album.

tipper said...

Wow-I didn't even know you could have one made from a photo! How cool is that : ) I love the picture you chose too!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

That lunchbox is adorable! I had Kiwi today myself...and don't forget to stop by and get your award, baby Girl!...:)JP

Laura @ Green Legacy Farm said...

I love it! I'll definitely keep this site in mind when I (finally) get to the decorating stage! (Thanks for the blog link you sent me, BTW - really enjoyed it!)

Rachel said...

That turned out amazing! I bet your dad will love it!

L.L.E said...

I'll have to try this out. I've been using Snapfish but they are SO dang expensive.