Friday, July 29, 2011

Mom to Boys Blog Hop

What do I spend most of my days doing?  Being a mom to three boys, of course.  So when I saw that the First Annual Boy Mom Blog Hop was going on here, I thought I should jump in. 
Mothers of Boys
If you're stopping by for the first time, we have a log home on 72 acres in the Blue Ridge mountains.  We have many animals and like to spend a lot of time outside.  Except lately.  When it's been in the upper 90s everyday.  Now we only get out to tend the garden and feed the animals.  Hopefully this heat will break soon.  
So let me introduce you to the important ones - my boys.
My oldest, Pierce, is 4 going on 5.  He loves riding bikes, swimming, and reading this book called Pizza Pat.  It's one of those really annoying books where you have to repeat the same sequence of sentences every page, only adding to it each time.  But he loves it.  Thankfully, he can read the whole thing himself, so at least I don't have to do all those repetitions about gooey and gloppy crust and sausages and those stupid mice that eat the poor guy's pizza at the end.  I tried to get Pierce to change the ending - you know - the mice make a pizza for Pat to make up for gorging on his, but Pierce doesn't go for it.  Now I just try to get him not to read the last two pages, but he's not into that either.  I think he secretly likes the gloom and doom.

My next oldest, by all of 6 minutes, is Reid (he and his brother will turn two August 8).  He's my troublemaker.  You can read yesterday's post about my multiple calls to Poison Control on account of Reid.  He also does things like sneak into the pantry and pour bulk boxes of baking soda on the floor, all while I'm changing his twin brother's diaper.  So don't let his sweet big blue eyes fool you (but he is kinda sweet, when he feels like it).  Reid loves TRUCKS!!!  Everytime we drive down the road and a semi passes he's all TRUCK!  MA!  TRUCK!!! and I think he's going to explode out of his carseat with excitement. Reid also really loves to eat - particularly cheese.  I can always count on enthusiasm from him during dinner, even when everyone else is sneaking food to our border collie, Scooter.

My youngest, Reid's twin brother, is Cort.  He's the loyal and protective one.  When I had a doctor appointment recently, he threw a huge fit when they tried to run a test on me - he didn't want them to touch his mom.  The doctor had to take him down to her office and let him play with toys so they could finish the test.  And if anyone in the house is crying, Cort is the one to bring stuffed toys and blankies and pat heads and give hugs.  He's also quick to laugh and he actually helps clean up when it's time instead of just wandering off.  He adores our cats, but sadly is allergic to them.  Cort loves balls - he is actually pretty decent at throwing and kicking, but then I guess I'm biased.  Only I'm not that biased, because I don't like sports anyhow, other than running - so maybe he really is good!

Thanks for coming by, I look forward to hopping by to visit you and your boys as well!  I do have a giveaway right now, which you can check out here for some fun beauty and pampering items.


Kim said...

I hope the heat breaks soon too. You should see the living room. And if Deaglan finds one more thing to jump off of...why am I telling you, you are the mom to boys too:)

Carly said...

it sounds like you live in a beautiful location! Thanks for the visit!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love getting to know your boys personalities better!!! Each one so special, I just want to give them all a huge hug!!!

Jade Clark said...

Sounds like a handful indeed!!! Nice to meet you via the Blog Hop!

Barbara said...

Wow, it's amazing that we three boys the each have such a different personality! I'm looking forward to seeing that when we have our second at the end of the year. I used to live by the South Carolina Blue Ridge so I can only imagine how beautiful it must be to live in a cabin there! I'm slightly jealous!

camp and cottage living said...

What adorable 3 Musketeers you have.
I have 3 grown "boys" all with different personalities too. I'm so glad the Lord made them all different. Wouldn't life be boring if they were all the same?

Dawn said...

Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Loved your post - sounds like your boys keep you plenty busy! They are a crazy bunch (boys, I mean), aren't they? Blessings to you!

Crystal said...

You're not kidding about the heat! It's been miserable here! I'm so ready for a nice break! Thanks for stopping by my blog! What a fun household you must have!

TexWisGirl said...

awww. love that little cort is a care-giver! sweet soul!

Anonymous said...

enjoy those boys, 911 and all. my three are now 28, 27 and 25 with a couple of girls thrown in just for fun. i miss those years. have a great weekend!

Jill said...

Each one of your boys has such distinct traits. What a wonderful combination!

Chatty Crone said...

I love your story here. Gosh I had no idea you had 72 acres! Huge.

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

This is a great post! Your boys are so adorable!!

Sarah said...

I've got one with an August 8 birthday too. This heat is killing us- animals and garden is the same for us as well.

Angela said...

My 7 yr old son sounds a little like Reid and my 13 yr old daughter is a lot like Cort! We have 66 acres with a Colonial style house that we designed and built.

Have a Great Day!

Jules said...

Just popping in from the MOB hop.

My twins' sound like yours. My eldest is trouble & Mr. Self-confidence, while his twin brother (younger by 8mins), is a Mummy's boy. They are like chalk & cheese.

Thanks for sharing your beautiful boys.

Erica Saint said...

Your boys are so cute! Reid sounds a lot like my Ralph. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a nice comment at my blog.

Dawn said...

Hi Lisa! My mom always wanted to live in a log home! Thanks for stopping by my blog. BTW, love your green pool! We had one a few years back that turned green and we couldn't get it right, ever! This year I purchased a small pool and we had high level of chlorine. Pools are hard to maintain when you are busy with boys ;-) Have a great day!

Erin said...

I love your boys names! Twins, phew! I know boys are awesome, but I can imagine the extra work (and extra JOY!) of having two toddler boys at the same time! My hat goes off to you!

Anonymous said...

I love how well you KNOW your kids--to write them so clearly and know how they differ despite the same genetics.

Kim said...

Love your blog! I can completely relate to you and your boys! And my pool has seen days like yours too, and I've been horrified! Thanks for stopping by my blog too, I just became a follower!

M.O.T.B said...

So Sweet! Love the descriptions of your boys. I have often wondered what it would be like with three boys...not sure my house could handle one more. They are precious though!

Jen said...

Visiting from the Blog Hop! Thanks for stopping by my page. And wanted to tell you I don't like every book myself...I don't think B&N would have so many books if we all liked the same ones.
It is interesting that you teach at your local college. I had thought about doing that as well after I finish my last few credits...all online.
Hope you and your boys are blessed!

Carrie said...

Visiting from the blog hop! Love the mountains, and farms. And twins. :) You seem to have a sweet perspective on parenting. Great to meet you!

Anonymous said...

It was wonderful to read more about your boys. They are each so special and fun!

Jessica said...

Aww twins!

And I hear ya about the heat. We're in the south east corner of Georgia. H.O.T.

Joyful Mud Puddles said...

I'm visiting from the BlogHop. You boys are just adorable. I love the description you gave of each of the, How fortunate you are to live in the country. I'd like to one day. Many blessings,

le Chef said...

Oh mama ... love those little boys while you can. Once puberty hits they develop an aversion to snuggling and hugs from mom.

72 ACRES!!! Ok, I'm officially a fan for life. I would sell my soul for 5 around here. If I ever won the lotto my husband already knows we're buying land, and only land. ... ok, and animals.

Anne said...

Hopping in from the MOB!!! Oh how I love (not) those repetitious books the kids want over and over again. Nice to meet you and your boys. They really are a bunch of cuties.

Connie, the daisyhead said...

Thanks for the visit! I so hear you about the heat. It's the same here~ H.O.T. I have never wanted Fall to arrive more than now. Whew.

Your boys sound insanely cute! I loved the pics of them with the trucks and buses. Have fun with all the boy antics. Write down the stories of those things they do~ they'll get a kick out of them when they're old enough that you've forgotten most of the things that made you crazy!