Tuesday, August 23, 2011

WV State Fair - the Animals

 I wanted to share pictures from the animal and farm exhibits at the WV State Fair.  Unfortunately, Blogger wouldn't let me upload all the pictures (it said it 'rejected' some of them - even though I shrink them down to a manageable size) and in addition, it loaded all my pictures in the wrong order.  Strange happenings.  But it all took so long to get up I'm just going to roll with it as is.

The boys enjoyed a farming exhibit where they could pick apples, play dump trucks in corn, and dig for potatoes.

We went through many of the barns.  This little pig looked sad to me.

A friendly goat, who found some hay.

Cows being lazy, in the heat of the day.

I wasn't going to mess with big horns here...

Lazy pigs too...

Lots of antique tractors.  And the twins wanted to get on every.single.one.

Twins in the hen house, gathering eggs.

Live time hatching chicks -

Baby ducks.  Go ahead, say awwwwwwwww.  You know you want to!

Not as cute as baby ducks, and rather loud -

Pierce, hunting for eggs in the hen house -

The twins petting a bunny at the Southern States exhibit.  I have to say they were so nice there - Pierce got to hold a 3 week old bunny for a long time, and they were giving out free bottles of ice cold water (much preferable to paying $2 a bottle at other places!)
Overall, we had a great time at the fair, and I'm sure we'll be back for more next year.


Meredith said...

So cute!
And I was already in awwww mode when I saw the little chicks... :)

I love that the twins were in matching outfits!
Do you do that all the time, just when you go out, or just sometimes?

My goodness, I can't handle finding one outfit for each child that is clean, unwrinkled and not missing something... the thought of finding two of the SAME outfit?

I am am dulyimpressed. :)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Seeing these reminds me of being with my own "kids" at the Big E last year. OMG it's coming up again in September...Lisa????...:)JP

Jill said...

Those baby ducks are adorable! You got some really nice shots. I love the one of the twins collecting eggs. Love the look on their faces with the bunny too.

Nancy said...

Looks like so much fun! That turkey looks like mine -- he's a grouch and chases me. ;)

Jeremi said...

NICE photos!! you all really had a variety of experiences .... your boys, SO cute : )

Eileen Astels Watson said...

Lisa, those are great pics! I love the sad pig one. Not cause he's sad looking, but because he's so cute!!!

TexWisGirl said...

i love all the hands-on experiences they give to the kids at these things. really nice. :)

Melodie said...

That looks like such a fun time! My fave would be the boys on the old tractors!

Karen thisoldhouse2.com said...

I love state fairs....

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

So So Cute! I know that blogger has challenges but I do not want to learn others like Wordpress.
Your pics are great and fun looking

Anonymous said...

Your pictures are so cute. I love the pig's nose. The boys look like they are having a great time.

Tina L. Hook said...

Bawwwww. Baby ducks. Love them.

What a cute family outing.

We visited a wild animal rescue over the weekend and my Hubs said I turned into a five year old.

Crow said...

Next year lets meet up and admire those animals together!

BTW you have been awarded The Versatile Blogger Award. Catch it here: http://willowcrow.blogspot.com/2011/08/versatile-blogger.html

Ginny Hartzler said...

These are really cute pictures! The little chicks feet are so big! Hey, did you feel the earthquake, I'm still really shook up! It sounded like a train and the house shook so much! We're waiting for aftershocks, you must have felt it as we live close, I hope the boys didn't get scared??

Anonymous said...

My boys are itching to see animals--we're too late for the fair this year, maybe the zoo!

Bonnie said...

Awwwww, chicks!!! They are absolutely adorable. I want one.

Twitter: @GlamKitten88

Mary said...

I totally wanted to say "awww" to thos adorable little ducklings!

tipper said...

Such cute pictures!! Looks like fun for all.

Doris Sturm said...

Oh, that sounds like a fun place for you and the twins...I love all kinds of animals, but I feel a bit sorry for farm animals especially - their lives are so mundane and short lived most of the time.

Those ducklings did look very much Awwwwww, especially the one with its head tilted to the side as if he were looking at you and the bunny is so cute too...I once had a pet rabbit! He loved to eat!

Anonymous said...

Was the ground shaking at your house today too? Shingles rattling??

Samantha said...

We almost made the drive to the state fair..next year, I hope!

Looks like a wonderful time for the boys..but c'mon..tell us about the FOOD! ;)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great opportunity for kids and adults... Love to see your kids' expressions when watching the animals. So Special...


Michelle said...

Awwwww...nothing cuter than sweet boys and fair animals. Love those ducks.

Reena said...

What fun for the boys and lovin' those baby ducks!

Angela said...

Boys and tractors go hand and hand! They are all just too cute! Your boys that is and so were the animals!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Oh, I love those chicks hatching and the ducks were so cute too. But the poor pig did look a little sad. Glad your boys have fun!

Valerie Boersma said...

Our fair is Labor Day weekend. It's fun, and the first day-Thursday is "locals" day and one of the grocery stores in town sells reduced price admission tickets that include free lunch. It's fun to look at all of the entries for photography, and baking...and see who I know who's entered stuff. Almost everyone gets a blue ribbon too-which I think is great!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Liv and I enjoyed your Fair photos . . . especially the cute li'l duckies!

warren said...

Kids + tractors = awesome!

I used to love climbing on my uncle's collection of old IH tractors...grreat times!

Anonymous said...

You have so much fun with your boys. Another fun day. The pictures are really good and the boys are adorable. Carol

Chatty Crone said...

I love animals, flowers, and babies!

Brought back a lot of good memories. Looked like you had fun.