That gift, for me, was the Chia Pet. First of all, I don't even do house plants, because my cats just eat them. And secondly, what are you supposed to DO with a Chia Pet? It serves no real purpose - it doesn't even look all that cute, particularly the one I received. Maybe it would've been better if I'd gotten the little rabbit or not-quite-endearing dog. But instead, I got the Chia Head.
Gosh, have you ever seen an uglier, more ridiculous Chia Head? (Actually, I was enlightened by google, when I was searching for this image, to find that you can now purchase Brittany Spears and Barack Obama Chia Heads. Wow. Just wow.)
I was young - maybe 22 - when I received this gift. I think I might find it more humorous now than I did then
So inquiring minds want to know - if you were to get a celebrity Chia Head, who would you want? Personally, I've always been a huge fan of Natalie Wood, and seeing as how they've reopened her case, maybe they should make a Natalie Wood Chia Head.
If you have a bad gift story you'd like to relate, or if you'd like to read about others' bad gift stories, check out Hooked and Happy.

So funny, Lisa!
My first laugh of today !!!! Have a great thanksgiving . Eat lots of food!!!!!!
I've never gotten a Chia..but I'm the sad recipient of many a pastel, airbrushed sweatshirt!
Awesome! LOL!
Wow Chia...I remember those. It is a funny gift though
Oh my. That's ...ummmm.... different:)
Well, I know what I'm getting you for Christmas... ;-)
I would probably think that was an amusing gift to give or receive. Ack, I'd probably be the bad gift giver.
i actually really like the obama ones. :)
I think an Elvis Chia-head would be awesome!
Oh my, we always gave those as gag gifts for gift swaps!
LOL! Too funny!
I've always noticed those chia things in the stores around this time of year, and often wondered what the heck? Now that you mention it though, I'd like to see the Obama one. LOL
Have a blessed day, and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your wonderful family, Lisa. :)
Ha! That's one of those gifts that you open up, smile and pretend really hard to like it!
But I have to admit, when I was a little girl, I always wanted one of those things. I never got one. :)
You have to post this to the link-up when it is open on Monday.
Love it!
I think my dog Samson would make a great Chia Head -- all that fur -- I could just let the sprouts grow and grow and grow!
Call me quirky, but I'm lovin it!
When Amy was smaller, we thought a Chia pet would be a fun and educational gift. First off, all we found was the same hideously ugly Chia head that you got. A Chia goat or sheep was what we wanted. But no. And then, after it grew its "hair" it got all moldy. Yuck and double yuck. How sad that the most horrid gift in my memory is the one I gave my own kid! ;)
Aren't the plants edible? Anyway, I think Yul Brynner would be a good candidate, since he never had any hair when he was alive. ;)
LOL! This was always a gift I never wanted to get or even give. My mom received this as a gag gift from her boyfriend one year. Hilarious!
WOW! I didn't even know they had these anymore! I never got one nor have I ever known anyone that did. But man, that head reminds me of a Smurf!
I like your post, sometimes we really don't know what gift will comes from our friends or someone who knows us too, maybe they just want you to laugh or remember something funny before, if i got it maybe i will laugh and laugh all the time if it that gift would be coming from my best friend, for sure she just want to see me laugh or smile atleast or see me get angry with her! lols.. Great day!:)
Isn't there a "cat grass" Chia Pet?
My husband's uncle gave my kids chia pets complete with an alarm clock that played the cha-cha-cha-chia song. Yeah. Lost that one fast.
I found a chia pet at a yard sale, and I thought I would give it to someone as a gag present. Well, as soon as my young son saw it, he wanted to do it; so we did. The end.
Oh too funny. I don't do house plants either. A Chia pet... lol
Just read the nice comment you left me, and yes, I am now a happy follower of yours...though it took me a bit of time to make the danged thing work!
Want to hear a funny story about this?? My husband got me the same thing for Christmas 2 years ago. It was partly a gag gift which I never used. Last year, he wrapped the chia pet again and gave it to me. He said maybe this year, you will use it. Never did. Have a great Thanksgiving! Took your button too:)
I got one of those Chia pets once. We found the best use for it was to use it as a white elephant gift. The funny thing is I saw it pass throught the gift exchange a couple more times on different years. And then,yip you guessed it,one year I got it back.
LOL.... I just grew a chia head last year.
Wanted to stop by and say Happy Thanksgiving.
I "won" a Bart Simpson chia head at last year's neighborhood Christmas party. The seeds never sprouted. Ha..
I got a cat one in college, but it was at my request. Some of the girls on my hall thought they were funny, too, so it was like our little pet. I have, however, gotten plenty of ugly sweaters from not-so-stylish family members. Happy Thanksgiving!
I loved when the bald heads one first came out...for obvious reasons...that's about the only one I would ever have I think
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