Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Holiday Festivities

Well, yes, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.  And I've got pictures to prove it.  We put up our tree the day after Thanksgiving.  My Mom gave us several of these cute ornament balls - made by my great aunt June. 

And remember that review I did for Children Inspire Designs a few months back?  Well our little bird ornament finally found his rightful place on our tree:

And since the tree went up, the twins have been deconstructing it 24/7.  I can't keep ornaments on the tree!  It's a good thing I left most of the ornaments in storage!

There are ornament roundups everyday.  I've found them in all sorts of places.  Just think - if you were going for a ride and an angel was at the wheel, you'd have nothing to worry about....

Even Baby Jesus ventured away from his nativity to get out for a stroll.  Luckily, his benefactor made sure he was well buckled in.  

Cort and Reid made gingerbread houses at preschool.  I attended the party, and worked in vain to try to get candies on the houses before the twins ate them all.  Reid managed to participate in applying candy a bit (after thoroughly stuffing his mouth first) but Cort just ate everything and didn't do much decorating.  Obviously, this was a great time.

And finally, this was the year that I was going to skip out on making truffles.  I was over it!  And then I called my grandmother one day to chat, and she said, "You're bringing me some of your truffles this year, right???".  Uh....yes....as a matter of fact, I am bringing you truffles dear grandmother.  And so, I proceeded to make 4 batches.  Peanut butter, chocolate, berry, and mint.

I have to admit - they do look so cute once packaged into little truffle boxes.  If you'd like to know how to make them, you can check out my tutorial for oreo truffles here .  They are easy to make, but slightly time consuming.  For the berry flavor this year, I used the new ice cream berry flavored Oreos.  They are actually pretty decent! 
Well, reader, what have you been doing to get ready?  Are you immersed in decorations and baking too?

Thanks to all who entered my followers appreciation giveaway.  The lucky commenter, according to Random.org, was #12 - Chatty Crone.  Congratulations to her!


E @ Act Fast Chef said...

Those truffles look awesome :) And I love how baby Jesus was put in a stroller!

Jill said...

This was such a dear, sweet post. I had a huge smile seeing the angel at the wheel and dear baby Jesus safely riding in the stroller. Your boys are so sweet.

Your truffles look fantastic! I was just thinking about making some...you may have put me over the top to get up and do it!

Karen thisoldhouse2.com said...

THis old house is decorated, and gingerbread cookies have been made... now for sugar cookies and rum balls and perhaps MORE gingerbread, because we've already eaten the frozen reserve that was meant for Christmas :-)

Unknown said...

Beautiful ornaments, is the top one origami? Or maybe folded ribbon?

Kids and Christmas stuff - reminds me of a few years with Matchbox cars hung on the tree. Thanks!

Unknown said...

This is such a busy time of year for you. It takes me back to a time when we were raising our three sons. Now 7 grand children.


Anonymous said...

The truffles looks awesome! I am so glad Jesus was strapped in.

Nancy said...

The Baby Jesus in the stroller made me snort coffee out my nose! ;)

Out on the prairie said...

MMM those truffles look nice. I love the tale of redecorating, what a joy to have that age.

Eat To Live said...

Your GreatAunt Jane put a lot of work into those ornaments... I know, I have made some like that before. Hers looks very beautiful and has meaning for you.

I see your GrandMother has a sweet tooth... so you thought you were going to get away without making them this year. LOL... that is funny.

AudreyO said...

Wow you've been busy! And how brave of the teachers to attempt gingerbread houses with young kids. Wow, I'm impressed.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

So cute the decorating the tree...Truffles look so good for dear Grandmother and everyone else!
I am not baking anything:) I have a small amount of tree decorations....

Slamdunk said...

Too funny about the ornaments being moved into the play toys. Our twins have not tried that one yet, but they would def devour the candy from the gingerbread house.

TexWisGirl said...

those look really good! the baby jesus strapped into the carriage cracked me up!!!

Liz Mays said...

Those little truffles are beautiful, and I'm sure they're work the work in the end. I haven't done much of my baking yet. I'm waiting until I get to Michigan next week. ;)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh My Gosh.... When my sons were young, they were not allowed to touch the ornaments on the Christmas tree... Guess I was a bad mama!!!!! ha

Your truffles sound delicious. I'm sure all of you and your grandmother will love them!!!


Mere said...

I only decorated the top half of our tree...The lights are on the whole thing, but I didn't want to chase down ornaments every day!

Anonymous said...

Love how funny your boys are with the decorations--and that you let them touch them and play with them, too!
Just started baking LAST NIGHT!

Valerie Boersma said...

Little hands, and Christmas tree ornaments! It's a losing battle, isn't it! My favorite is the angel at the wheel:)

Last year our mischief maker was Kona. She ate Joseph!

I'm going to do some Christmas decorating today, and I wish I had a truffle or two as a reward for my hard work:)

trump said...

It was fun growing up when you decorated your tree, that meant Christmas was on its way. Richard

Anonymous said...

Those truffles look yummy. I can't believe Christmas is here in less than 2 weeks!

Anonymous said...

I like the birds, do you have a link for how to make them?

LB @ Bullets And Biscuits said...

I bet those rascals are a handful at this time of year, haha. I was the same way this year about making truffles....NO MORE! Until my employees asked for them. UGH! I just bought the berry Oreo's to try this week too so its great to hear they are tasty!

Andrea said...

I haven't decided if I'm doing the Oreo truffles again, but our tree and CHanukah decor is up. :> And baking will begin soon!!!

Jill said...

OK Lisa...see what you did? I just went and bought the stuff to make your truffles! My question now though it how far ahead can they be made? How do you store them?

Thank you!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your great aunt makes beautiful ornaments! And the truffles look delicious!! The rest of your post is truly hilarious, we have both posted about cute kids and Christmas today. I love the stroller Baby Jesus and the safari jeep angel!!! I have never made gingerbread houses with the girls, I will have to!!

Michaele said...

A gingerbread house build around a carton. Brilliant!

Jill said...

OK Lisa. You got me! I just had to go get the stuff to make the truffles. Now my questions...how do you store them? Fridge, freezer? How long do they last?


jp@A Green Ridge said...

I'm really loving the bird ornament!! And those truffles...:) Yours always look pretty...mine quiggles look more like splotches!!! Too bad I'm not there to enjoy them!...:)JP

Sagittarian said...

Yeah, it's coming few days now!:) Happy holiday! I love this post! and your truffle oh.. wow!:)

Angela said...

I can relate to the naked tree, the half decorated tree and finally a fully decorated tree! Love your ornaments your aunt made. I've not done much except trying to get the house decorated. I keep getting sidetracked. Maybe it will get finished before Christmas!

Woo Hoo! Chatty is on a roll! She won my Landau cd giveaway last month!

Unknown said...

The truffles look divine. I see them everywhere, but I am scared to attempt to make them!

I have been a total slacker this year! I will hopefully do better next year!

Chatty Crone said...

And Chatty is so late - faithfully here though. Thank you so much I am so excited.

The boys - I can just see them eating as fast as they could.

And those chocolate ball - they look delish. I know she will be so excited to get them.

I am still trying to finish putting on the ornaments!

Again thank you . sandie

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Great post! I can relate to the ornament capers!

And your truffles looks amazing! I've been trying to think of a nice gift for people this year. That would be a great idea, if I didn't go overboard on eating them. :)

Chris said...

Those truffles are awesome.

I now have the munchies!

Lindsay said...

Wow, it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. The first ornament is so pretty! I love the boys' gingerbread houses. And how cool of an idea is that to use juice/milk cartons! Genius.

tipper said...

Your tree looks so pretty-and I love the ornaments in the toys too : ) Yum on the truffels-they look so impressive.

Jill said...

The oreo truffles look fabulous! The bird ornament looks so pretty and bright in your tree.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Your truffles look delicious. I love baby Jesus in the stroller!

Jen said...

Ahhh, those truffles look so good!! And there's a new Oreo flavor? Clearly I have been hiding under a rock! I must have some of those :)

Costin Comba said...

I wish you a Merry Christmas with your family

Kim said...

THose truffles look devine!!! I stopped my decorating last week - last year I went a bit overboard. And I'm not baking this year. wE've already received so many cookies and treats that it would be overload to add our own baking.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Your truffles look so good!!!