Monday, February 27, 2012

Another Valentines Muffin Tin Monday

I know Valentines is over.  I may be spacey at times but I do realize this.  However, I made a super cute bento lunch for Pierce on Valentines and I wanted to share it. 
Pierce had some pink punch, a strawberry, celery filled w/ peanut butter, a cinnamon heart, homemade bread cut into I and U with a heart Babybel cheese sandwiched between.  Rolled up bologna and all on a bed of roasted seaweed.

Sadly, this was at the height of Pierce's reflux flare up, so all he ate that day was the strawberry and a bite of bologna.  He didn't even eat the cinnamon heart!  Thankfully, he's now feeling much better and I even tricked him into eating spinach last week that I snuck into a casserole, just like a good mother should.

For more fun kids' lunch ideas, check out Muffin Tin Mom.


Kasey @ Walking Redeemed said...

Love it, as usual! So glad to hear he's feeling better!

Anonymous said...

That strawberry is so big! I love the message. What a great lunch!

andy said...

I bet he liked it! !! Have a great monday!!!!!

Cuby said...

What a great mum Pierce has. Hope he feels better. Celery with peanut butter great combo.:)

Sagittarian said...

oh wow!! I love this yummy valentines muffin!! The bread cu into I and U,with a heart babybel cheese sandwiched between!! I love this!!!:) Thanks for sharing!!:)

Jill said...

Love it all but especially the bread and cheese idea!

So glad he's feeling better.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

So cute!!

I'm glad he's feeling better now.

Karen said...

You're such a good mom! Someday they'll say "Wow, remember how mom used to make those really cool lunches for us all the time?"...

You done good :-)

Barbara said...

I'm glad he is feeling better!! That box is super cute! I love the heart cut into the Babybel!

TexWisGirl said...

glad he's back to his normal self! :)

Sandy said...

Cute, but too pink for a boy...come on Lisa!! ;)

Eat To Live said...

How cute that lunch is.

Oh no!! I didn't know Pierce had reflux. That is really sad.
I am wondering if grapefruit seed extract might help that? It doesn't taste that great but you may be able to hide the taste in juice or something. Also, could he be low on magnesium? The Doctor told me that is why most people don't digest correctly. We don't get the magnesium out of our foods because the ground is depleted where the foods grow.

Valerie Boersma said...

I'm glad Pierce is feeling better now, and even without the sneaky spinach trick, you are such a good mom-that is so obvious Lisa:)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Your son must really look forward to opening up his lunch every day. Such wonderfully fun displays of healthy food. I'm glad he's feeling better.

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is just adorable, I especially love the I heart you!!!! Gosh, I hope he does not have too many more of these attacks!!!

Out on the prairie said...

Very nice meals around the farm.the hearts can be year round for motherly love said...

Now that is too cute. How do your kids respond to creative lunches like this? If it was me, I would cobble it all up. Making lunch fun for kids is what helps them to actually eat it. Am I right or wrong?

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Roasted seaweed sounds good to me... Hope Pierce gets better with reflux

Anonymous said...

That looks so good and creative. I really really have to think about doing one of these one Monday!

Sally said...

awwww, another really cute and well thought out lunch for Pierce. So glad he's feeling better. :)

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Glad Pierce is better, reflux is so painful. I'll have to think about the seaweed, it would really be a new food for me!

jennohara said...

SO SO cute!! Like always! I love it.

Michelle said...

Can you come and pack my school lunch?! lol

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I wish I had a Mom like you!...:)JP

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

That is cute! I'm sorry he wasn't feeling well enough to eat all of it, though!

Angela said...

That was so cute Lisa! Too bad he wasn't feeling up to eating it all because those are some very yummy looking things.

Jen said...

I love this one!!

Chatty Crone said...

I am so glad he is feeling better Lisa. sandie

Tweedles -- that's me said...

It sounds like a very fun and yummy lunch.
We hope Pierce keeps feeling better.
All your love will help the most.

Helene said...

I love that!! Wish I would've thought of the "I heart U" for Valentine's Day!! What a cute idea!!

Glad to hear Pierce is feeling better!

Nancy said...

I'm glad Pierce is feeling better -- would hate for your creative food displays to go to waste. :)

Kim said...

I thought it was a bed of raisins and then I read it was seaweed!