Tuesday, February 28, 2012

If You Teach a Child to Tie His Shoes

If you teach a child to tie his shoes, it won't be long before he does this:
 And if he does this to Mario, you can bet that it won't be long before you catch him doing this....

Best, perhaps, not to teach him to tie his shoes.
Long live velcro shoes!  Saving little brothers from torment on a daily basis!

Post linked with The Mommyhood Chronicles


Clint Baker said...

They are still tryin to teach me! lol

Anonymous said...

hilarious...love it

Jill said...

LOL! This was great!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh noooo... those silly boys are always up to something, aren't they? LOL

Anonymous said...

I feel so behind. We haven't even started this.

andy said...

Great post that's great! !! I've been there and done that

Melodie said...

That is just the way of little boys! My son is an only child but when he was little every army man and action figure was tied up...always..never released,lol! I am sure if he had a brother I would have been constantly setting him free!

Chatty Crone said...

Give me Velcro any day - because when they get older - they will have to tie their shoes! sandie

Andrea said...

HA! I love it! And we totally use that type of talk around here. We love the books so we're always saying, even accidentally, "if you ... something," and then the kiddo and I turn around and say something to go with it. ;)

TexWisGirl said...

thanks for the great laughs!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like your little guy is totally ready to pass that Scouting KNOTS badge!

Unknown said...

SO funny!
I came home from work one day to find Wyatt duct taped to the chair. I guess his sister had finally had enough :)

Out on the prairie said...

love it, they may be tying knots alll over

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

So funny! You just never know what they'll do with their new skills!

Sally said...

LOVE it!!

I still can't tie mine well enuf not to be tripping over my feet. :)

Texan said...

rofl when my honeyman was a little boy, I hear that he tied his sister to a tree and was going to burn her at the stake ROFL.. no he didn't actually set her on fire thank heaven ROFL.. apparently he was found out before that happened LOL

Eat To Live said...

Hahahaha.... that is so funny. Maybe he is just practicing his tying.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my gosh, this is a SCREAM!!!!

jennohara said...

HA! So true isnt it!

Sandy said...

Ha! Love those pics.

Anonymous said...

Love it. Thank for the smile.

Michaele said...

Tying shoes is hard! So glad to see him practicing : )

Liz Mays said...

The torment is a rite of passage though!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

tee hee hee
what cute little boys they are!

Vision By Mila said...

haha.. so funny! did you get tied already?

Nancy said...

I know from experience, boys are never satisfied with the ordinary. :) Too cute!

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

haha- too cute!

Barbara said...

Oh my, I literally laughed out loud when I saw that last picture. Isn't that what brothers are for?

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's too funny!

Mary said...

That's so cute! Hey I'm sure the practice will just make him better. Next thing you know, he'll be tying all his friends' shoes at school :)

Kim said...

Hee! Ain't that the truth!

Sandi McBride said...

Caroline knows how to tie shoes...if the dog is wearing them she ties him to the table...

Myya said...

so true right! As soon as Amira learned she was tying everything & everyone up! LOL

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

This made me laugh out loud! Cute and funny!

Kim said...

Yes those poor little brother's. And yet I know there will be a day when they'll get their revenge.

Sean Marie said...

Hahahahah... wow! That is so freaking funny. Poor Mario.

Following you from the Mommyhood Chronicles blog hop. Have a great weekend. :)

Anonymous said...

No, please... do! I can't tell you how many 5 and 6 year olds on my school bus who cannot do that! I'm always amazed... just don't teach him a square not yet!