Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February 2012 Fitness Recap

It's no secret that February is not one of my favorite months, and I'm always glad to see it end.  This month was no exception.  I did have a good month for workouts, though, and I managed to work out every day this month except today - I'm taking the day off in celebration!

This month I ran 100 miles, lifted weights 8 times, and did yoga 4 times.  I also ran a 10 mile race and didn't find out until after the fact that I won my age group!  My mom was kind enough to go pick up my award:
Always nice to get an award that is different from the usual medal.  I don't drink coffee, but my husband will put this to good use.  Just as he has that other coffee mug I won a few years ago, and the huge beer mug I won last fall.

I may be giving new meaning to the phrase "trophy wife".  My husband likes cereal too.  Anyone know of any good races giving out cereal bowls for awards?  I'm game! 

I'm thinking about signing up for a half marathon in the latter part of March.  It's a great time of year for racing.  How about you, reader.  Any March goals?  Running, mug-collecting, or otherwise?


Clint Baker said...

Great! LOL

Sagittarian said...

Hi Lisa, congratulations!! :) It's nice knowing you, and envy you 'coz you have that healthy body that can run in marathon, unlike me.. lol.. Passing by to greet..:) Blessed day!:)

Kasey @ Walking Redeemed said...

Girl, you inspire me!! Way to go!!

Anonymous said...

You have done so well! I think a bowl would be great!

Anne Payne said...

100 miles?! WOW...that's pretty impressive! My biggest achievement for Feb was losing 3 lbs. I had lost 5 but with three males in the house who love to eat, I caved to temptation over the weekend and gained back 2 lbs :(

Emily said...

Easily the best kind of trophy wife. Congratulations!

andy said...

A. Congrats b. The creak bowl thing made me laugh!!! Have a great day. You know I don't have to run because after I read some of your posts om tired and my legs hurt!!:)

Melodie said...

That is terrific! My March work out goals will be nothing more that spending all spare time getting the garden started!

Barbara said...

You did a great job! Definitely a great trophy wife.

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

Awesome job!!! Doing great:)

Liz Mays said...

My daughter is training right now for a half! I think hers is the first week of May. The whole running thing is new to her, but fitness isn't, so she's doing well.

I wonder if she'll get a mug...

TexWisGirl said...

snickering at your trophy wife... :)

Lou Belcher said...

My goal for March is to make it to the gym every other day. I'll report back at the end of the month.


Anonymous said...

"Trophy wife!" I like that!
I have grand plans to finish that wattle in March.

laughwithusblog said...

If I can force myself to treadmill 3 times a week I'll be happy! Great job Lisa!

Jill said...

Way to go, Lisa! WooHoo!

Valerie Boersma said...

My march fitness goals include long walks on the beach in Maui ;)

Nice mug collection, Lisa:)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Congratulations! I have no doubt you will win many more. 100 miles is wonderful considering it's February. I can't imagine what you will do when spring is here!! I guess raising the boys is kind of like being in training all of the time! I hope you proudly display you trophies and don't shut them up the the kitchen cabinet!

Misty said...

:) Good job!
I love the idea of a mug award too. Something practical!

YAY that today is February's last day!

Shell said...

LOL @ trophy wife!

100 miles? Wow!

Sally said...

Happy to read this; you're quite an inspiration, Lisa.

Hope you're having a good day! :)

camp and cottage living said...

I'm sure your husband is glad you are a 'real' trophy wife and not just a pretty airhead!
I think I'm going to br traveling alot in March. South-thank heavens!

Sandi McBride said...

I ran 10 miles yesterday...that darned mouse just wouldn't stand still! Maybe you should get a mouse and make your running more if you are luckier than me, you get a nice snack at the end of the run...
Caroline @One Cat Shy of Crazy

Eat To Live said...

You are like Forrest Gump. You never stop running.

I don't have any plans for March except to get home from Las Vegas. I am ready!! We have about 10 days left and it won't come soon enough for me.

Rambling said...

Congratulations ... you are very inspiring!

Robyn said...

Congratulations on your fitness goals! 100 miles this month ... great. Hope you have a great March.

I am a walker that is finding out I like to jog/run. I mostly workout on the treadmill. I am thinking about a 10K. My problem is I don't know where to start.

How do I train? If you have any suggestions or websites I would love to hear from you.

Katie said...

You always are inspiring Lisa!

Michaele said...

Great accomplishment for February! I love that you make time for this.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Wow! Good job!

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

Congratulations!! You really have done so well!!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

How inspiring! 100 miles? Wonderful!

My fitness goal for March to to just get started again. Inertia . . . it's terrible!

I like your mug collection and the "trophy wife" comment . . . perfect!

Looks like we're kind of neighbors. Have you run in the Lynchburg 10 miler before? And my town, Altavista, has a Giblet Jog every Thanksgiving. It pulls in people from all over. Maybe this year, I will join them!

Out on the prairie said...

i can't believe there isn't a ceral bowl race. My kids wore t-shirts I got for jammies.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Great job! You amaze me!

Kim said...

That's amazing Lisa! 100 miles!!!!

Chatty Crone said...

Great job Lisa. sandie

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Mug collecting I did back in the day but then I got too many so I stopped