Monday, March 5, 2012

Obsessed with The Tudors Muffin Tin Monday

I don't usually get wrapped up in television shows, particularly since we don't have a tv.  But I've read many a book on King Henry VIII and all his drama, so when my uncle, Chris, starting raving about the show I had to go pick up Season One.  And so it began.  I was immediately sucked in, and the characters are quite well done.  Granted, it's kind of trashy, and the first two seasons are by far better than Season three, but I have high hopes for Season 4, which we've just started viewing. 

So anyhow, when I picked up these little crown muffin tins on clearance at TJ Maxx a few weeks ago, I immediately thought of Henry VIII's 6 wives.  I mean just think - if there'd been two extra tins I could've done one for each wife.  Although, come to think of it, not sure it would be such a great historical moment to teach my 5 year old about.  I'll keep my amusements to myself.

Pierce had a cupcake left over from my brother's birthday party, a clementine, English Cottage Pie made from our grass fed beef, and some broccoli.  Pierce at every bite of it all!  Nothing was leftover. Perhaps he has a few royal delusions himself?

For more fun kids' lunch ideas, visit Muffin Tin Mom.


Emily said...

What a fun lunch presentation! But yeah, it's probably best you avoided the conversation about beheadings. :)

Cuby said...

I wonder what Henry VIII would have thought if these had existed in his day but his portions would never have fitted in, oh rambling again! What another fun way to serve Pierce's lunch.

andy said...

What a fun looking lunch! ! Have a great monday

Anonymous said...

What fun tins! The cottage pie looks wonderful! I think beheadings take a while to be old enough to hear about.

Niki said...

Sounds like a yummy lunch, if not a yummy topic of conversation for the dinner table. ;-)

Melodie said...

It looks like a fun,yummy lunch! I agree,no need to plant that seed of getting rid of folks by chopping off their heads,lol!

Jill said...

Cute crowns and a good lunch inside. Perfect!

Barbara said...

Such a cute idea but better yet the beheadings out of it. I didn't watch the show until I moved to France and saw it on tv, but now I'm kind of hooked.

Sugary Flower said...

Wow, I love the little crowns! My daughter would love them too - but there is no way in the world she'd eat the broccoli, so well done there!

In The Kitchen With AUdrey said...

Those tins are so cute! I need to start looking for more to help with new ideas.

trump said...

Another inventive way to serve something healthy. Richard

Out on the prairie said...

A great way to get them to explore foods

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Looks yummy and cute!

Hahaha, yeah, that historical story is best saved for later.

TexWisGirl said...

too funny, lisa!

Tina L. Hook said...

My hubs keeps urging me to watch The Tudors, though I have never made the time. I guess I need to get on it.

Love those cute tins.

camp and cottage living said...

I agree, King Henry Vlll wouldn't be the best representation of royalty for Pierce to learn about!
But I do love the royal dishes.
Little Pierce must feel like a King
himself, being served in such crowning glory!

Anonymous said...

so, without a tv, how do you watch the dvds? curious

Hayley said...

Oh lord, season 3 was so boring. I read a lot about the Tudors, I have a bunch of geeky historical books on them. I have all 4 seasons. And season 4 is better than both 1 and 3, though I still think 2 is the best!

Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell said...

I would most certainly gobble that up myself!

Nancy said...

I'm a total nut for anything historical and British -- Henry VIII was such an interesting character.

Fun buy at TJMaxx! :)

Valerie Boersma said...

I think King Henry VIII would have loved TJMaxx. So much great stuff there! He might even have found another wife;)

Ali said...

I've never watched that show but heard it was good. I love your muffin cups! They are too cute!!

Eat To Live said...

How fun!! Your kids have got to have the funnest lunches in town... or country.

I bet they can't wait to see thier next lunch and what you have in store for them next.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a fabulous lunch!!!! Isn't this series on HBO? So I didn't know you could get DVD's of HBO shows...maybe I'm wrong though. Now I want to go to T.J. Maxx....much as I like it, I never seem to find the great deals there that others do, though!

Dawn said...

Oh fun.
Some "royalty discussions" need to be avoided...but I'd be in for these:))

Unknown said...

A meal fit for a King...or Queen!

Be Brave, Keep Going said...

what delightful presentation and muffin tin meal. The history of the Tudors is ripe with so much history that I think you can avoid the hard stuff for now and not cheat them out of a good history lesson. :)

Sally said...

Such a cute post! Love it! :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hello There, Since I've been away from blogging for a week, I have alot of catching up to do. We had a wonderful trip to Arkansas --but it's great to visit with my blog friends. Hope things are going well with you.

I always enjoy seeing what creative thing you are going to come up with when it comes to Muffin Tin Monday...This one is FABULOUS ---and looks delicious also. (Did he have to eat everything else FIRST before diving into the cupcake????? ha)

Becca said...

I love the cute lunches that I see all of you bloggers doing. I wish my mom had done that when I was a kid!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I would love to eat from those crown dishes too...
Do the crowns make brocoli taste better?

Myya said...

My girls would be OVER THE MOON for those crowns! :)

Sagittarian said...

Yehey! yummy and full of fun!:) Thanks for sharing!:)

Unknown said...

These are the cutest...and the food looks yummy! I'm going to go shopping for these for my two grand's! Thanks for sharing.

Michelle said...

The Tudors is such a great show! I loved it all. Downton Abbey is also good.

Angela said...

I would have ate it all and asked for seconds! lol

AudreyO said...

Those crowns are adorable. And they'll hold just about anything.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

It would be hard not to feel a little "royal" when eating out of crowns! :-) I really like the idea of serving the food in little containers. That way, it doesn't look too overwhelming to a little tummy.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Your kids eat so healthy!

Anonymous said...

These are so cute, Lisa!

Chatty Crone said...

Those are really great for the kids Lisa. sandie

Shell said...

Fun muffin tins!

No tv????

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

These crowns are adorable! Such fun and creative ideas you have!

Harvest Moon by Hand said...

The crowns are a wonderful way to present lunch! My daughters would have enjoyed seeing their lunch come to them that way.

SnoopyGirl said...

Your crowns are fun and lunch looks yummy!

Michaele said...

You always find the neatest things to eat out of : )