Saturday, April 28, 2012

Flowers for Leontien from The Florally Challenged

Leontien is the author of the blog Four Leaf Clover Tales, and she's had a rough year.  She's in her second battle with breast cancer.  I think of her frequently during my days, wishing her well, sending her healing thoughts.  She handles her illness with such grace and determination, despite the obstacles.  And so today the blogging community is uniting to send her virtual flowers. 

There was just one issue with my sending her virtual flowers...we have had heavy rains here for days, which have obliterated the two flowers I have.  What to do, what to do?  Why send my old neighbor JP (who is an avid flower gardener) a text to see if I can head over to Home in the Hollow for a few pics. 

Since these aren't my flowers, I don't know what they are.  So I can't impress you with random tidbits of flower knowledge.  Quite the opposite.  Furthermore, I am not much of a flower photographer (and I seem to be having issues with my camera focusing anyhow, ever since it got dropped on Easter).  So my apologies, Leontien, if my overall bouquet is a little shabby, I'm just not good at flowers!  Hopefully, it's the thought that counts.

I hope these flowers serve to cheer your heart and lift your spirits!  I look forward to the day your strength returns and you are once again blogging tales of crazy Americans, dairy farming, horses, and love stories. 

Please participate if you'd like to send Leontien some support!  You can find the link up on A Rural Journal.  Thanks to Nancy, Buttons, and TexWisGirl for coordinating this event! 


Sally said...

These are beautiful, Lisa and I know they will be appreciated.

(I tried to find the link.)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

WOW! Baby Girl,I know this is for Leontien, but it also did wonders for me!!!! With tears in my eyes...:)JP

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful idea! The flowers are so pretty. I am sending my prayers.

TexWisGirl said...

awww. jp to the rescue! wonderful, lisa. :)

Farida said...

How thoughtful! I'm sure your friend will appreciate the photos taken.

Would you care to link exchange? Farida :)

Tracy said...

regardless of the rain Lisa, flowers are gorgeous in their own right...very pretty!

Out on the prairie said...

Very nice to share with her, I have given her my support through these trying times.i work with Hospice occasionally.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Lisa you have found perfect flowers I love your words. HUGS B

Myya said...

What a beautiful thing to do. I will be wishing your friend healthy thoughts.

Judy said...

I think these are all perfect Lisa!

Debbie said...

this is sooo special for sweet leontien....if only love could bring the cure!!

you did good lisa!!

theconstantwalker said...

So lovely to see..

Anonymous said...

When one is not feeling well and needs their spirits lifted, any flower cheers the heart. :-))

Ginny Hartzler said...

The flowers are beautiful, especially the Bluebells, which I have never seen but hope to soon. I know they will cheer her up!

Candy C. said...

They are beautiful Lisa! :)

Ellie said...

This is a lovely post - your words and pictures are wonderful. They are sure to make her smile. :))

It's me said...

O yes….Leontien need this !!! for all the blog girls who give her flowers today !!…glad you did this….love Ria…xxx…

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Such beautiful flowers and beautiful post!
I do not know Leontine, but we did a post too- cause the more love and flowers- all the better.
What a courageous woman she is.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flowers!

Michaele said...

Wonderful Lisa. There isn't a flower on our place after the hailstorm. You did good : )

Angela said...

I love it Lisa! You don't have flowers but head over to JP's and she has lots of flowers! lol

¸.*´¸.**´¨) ¸.**´¨)
(¸.*´ (¸.*´* Beautiful flowers ♥

Nancy said...

I'm inspired by the fact that you took the time to run over to JP's old haunt to photo some flowers for our friend, Lisa. Very sweet and thank you for supporting Flowers for Leontien. xoxo

dr momi said...

Beautiful flowers no matter which way you got them :-)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

The flowers are beautiful, as well as the thoughts behind them, Lisa. What a wonderfully generous and loving gesture to make for your friend. I'll be sending good thoughts and prayers her way.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Your flowers are beautiful Lisa.

Chatty Crone said...

Your flowers are perfect. sandie

Becky Jane said...

Beautiful flowers...I'm sure so loved them!

Leontien said...

Ahwwww, that was sooo sweet, (having trouble holding back the tears!)!!! That you went to all this trouble for me to get some shots of flowers!!!!


And i love the flowers every single one of them!

Big BIG hugs and sooo much love sending your way

Leontien said...

And i am so sorry but i have to correct you... (i really thought i could let it be... but i just can't) I have cancer in my breast but it is not breastcancer. It is Malignant Melanoma. Not that it really matters but i just wanted you to know... Big big hugs Leontien