Monday, July 30, 2012

Chincoteague Island Blueberry Festival

It's been several years since we've taken a real vacation.  We've done a few weekend trips, but were overdue for something more substantial.  So this year we blew the tax return on a week at the beach.  We rented a little townhouse called "Shoes Off" and settled into island life.

The first full day we discovered that there was a blueberry festival going on.  Seeing as how the boys woke up for the day super early, we were just about the first to show up at the festival.  We sampled a bunch of delicious jams and bought a jar of blueberry preserves.

There were many little artisans throughout the festival.

We bought a quart of blueberry ice cream from the Island Creamery.

We sat outside, in a light drizzle, to listen to music while we ate.

Have you ever had ice cream for breakfast?

Turns out, ice cream is pretty tasty any time of day.

Bottle trees--

On the walk back to the little townhouse we rented, we got sidetracked by a souvenir store.

The boys had each been given a beach allowance as a special treat for the trip, from my parents.  Pierce picked out a stuffed Alvin the Chipmunk, Cort got a wooden snake, and Reid got a set of construction trucks.
Read more about our adventures in Chincoteague, coming soon! 


Roan said...

Blueberry ice cream for breakfast, YUM! Love that bottle tree. I saw one of those at the Indiana State Fair last year. Interesting.

Anonymous said...

I love how they each chose something different to spend their money on.... Hope you had fun!

Eat To Live said...

Mmmmmm Ice cream for breakfast sounds great!! A few years ago, I was going to make one of those bottle trees, It is supppose to bring good luck.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Just look at that last photo and the big smile that says it all. Ice cream fro breakfast gotta love vacations. Have fun. B

Karen said...

One of my favorite childhood books was Misty of Chincoteague. I've never been to the island, but I hope to visit some day. Looking forward to your next post!

Anonymous said...

Ice cream for breakfast sound wonderful! I love the boys choices!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Ice cream for breakfast is a fabulous idea! :-) I love the bottle tree. And I love how the boys picked out such different things to buy.

Barbara said...

Ice cream for breakfast sounds amazing! Isn't that what vacation is all about??

Jill said...

Glad you used that tax return for a vacation. The memories will last a lifetime! Looks like fun.

TexWisGirl said...

that ice cream sounds yummy! love the pony mural, too!

Sally said...

I was expecting muffin tin Monday. :)

How exciting that you guys went on vacation! And, yes I would have been right there eating ice cream for breakfast. The boys look SO cute with their souveniers. Hurry back with more from the trip!

Claire Justine said...

looks like they had a great time,ooh I could eat that yummy ice cream for breakfast too :)

Valerie Boersma said...

What a perfect name for your vacation rental! And I think having ice cream for breakfast makes perfect sense!

Thanks for posting these wonderful photos:)

Liz Mays said...

I love all the blueberry goodness, and what a fun treat to have ice cream for breakfast!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

If you tell me you saw the ponies, I will be sooooo jealous!!!!!...:)JP

The Cranky said...

That looks like such an amazing adventure and I'm sure the boys will remember having ice cream for breakfast forever!

Sandy said...

Blueberry ice cream....super yummy! I like just about anything blueberry.

Michelle said...

This sounds fun and I adore those bottle trees. Nice to see the boys with their toys they picked out. They are so cute.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

That is an awesome way to create great "family vacation" memories!!

Chicken Wrangler said...

Wow - those were some happy campers with their booty from the trip! Did you see the ponies on the island?

Gail Dixon said...

Sounds like a fantastic day. Love the peace shirt your little boy is wearing.

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

Love your last picture! The boys look like they are really enjoying their vacation. Ice cream for breakfast and getting to pick out a special treat = vacation fun.

renae said...

My mouth is watering as they have ice cream for breakfast! looks so good.

Yes, do make mud pies any way you want. My grandma taught me to bake them in the sun! She was a remarkable Grandma!!!!!!


Chatty Crone said...

I am so excited and thrilled y'all took a real vacation!!!!!!!!!

Ice cream makes everything better any time of the day. lol

I love blueberries and they are so good for you!

Glad you had fun!


Tweedles -- that's me said...

Blueberrys make for a perfect day!
We have some blue berry plants, and I love to eat them too.

Mary said...

What a great place. East coast beach places are not at all familiar sounding. Some CA, OR and WA beach resorts are more familiar. And a Blueberry festival!!! wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Blueberries... yum! Your boys are fans, I can tell!

Angela said...

That looks like fun! Glad you guys got away for a week. I want to know more about the beach house. I'm seriously considering renting one in the future. My poor kids haven't been to the beach and I don't want them to be 20 before they see the beach like me. I don't care for hotels and would rather stay in a house. Can't wait to see more of your adventures. I've been at DC for a few days and now we are at Canaan! Can you believe it was 61!

Kim said...

Vacations are supposed to allow ice cream for breakfast! Those boys of yours are just so cute!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Looks like you had a fun time at the festival. My son was always into Alvin! I still have his from 25 years ago.