Monday, August 6, 2012

Adventures on Chincoteague

We were delighted to find that there were plenty of activities for kids on Chincoteague, even though it is not as developed as other beachy areas.  We tried fried pickles for the first time at Bill's. 

I had a crab cake sandwich.  Maryland is known for it's crab cakes, and we were close enough to Maryland that this one was excellent!

The boys took a picture in front of the Misty statue.

And we watched the gulls.

We found a most unusual playground called Memorial Park, where the pirate ship was a huge hit with the boys.

Cort and Reid compete to see who can swing the highest.

There were peekholes down in the galley.

And even a pole to slide down.

Pierce begged to get a pet hermit crab.  So we have a new addition to our family.  A new addition with an angry bird painted on its back! 

Quite a friendly critter, actually.  I had one as a kid.  Also from a beach trip.  Pierce named her (him?) Misty. 
Did you have any unusual souvenirs you brought back from a beach trip as a kid? 


BlueShell said...

Cute, cute....I would like to be a child again.-...

Anonymous said...

The weirdest souvenir I ever took home with me was a tobacco plant from Indiana back to Iowa. I even took it on the school bus and to show and tell that day at school... I was obviously a strange child.

The Cranky said...

Yum, crabcakes! I don't blame your wee guys for loving the pirate ship; heck I would have been right in there as well. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I think it would be hard to top a hermet crab with an Angry Bird on it.

andy said...

Looks like a great time! !! Looks like great food too.
Have a great day

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh what fun times your boys look so happy.
A hermit crab Wow what a great idea. I used to bring home rocks lots of rocks. They are still kicking around somewhere.:) B

Anonymous said...

The sandwich looks absolutely delicious! That playground would be every little boys dream! When I was little and the family would go on vacation, I would collect "Dream Pets" from each state we visited. They were small stuffed animals! Hope you have a great Monday, Lisa.

Heather said...

I love crab cakes! Yum! We use maine crab meat though...since it is available locally. But, someday I would love to have a local maryland one! Looks like a fun time!

Barbara said...

A hermit crab! What a cool souvenir! That looks like it was a great vacation.

Anonymous said...

There is an Amish place just across the TN border near us that makes & sells all sorts of wonderful wooden buildings, etc. They have those neat ships, too!

Jill said...

Such a fun filled vacation!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Love the photos--looks like the boys had a ball!

We used to look for sharks' teeth on the beach and collect those. For what reason, I don't know.

Liz Mays said...

Wait a second. Is that alive? Eeks! You really did some fun things while you were there!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Looks like they had a blast...too cute!

TexWisGirl said...

the pirate ship looks like a lot of fun!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

I'm glad you guys had such a great time! I love all the photos. The boys are so cute in front of the Misty statue, and the playground.

So the fried pickles weren't a big hit with the boys? Your crab cake sandwich looks delish!

Ha! Misty the Crab!

That seagull photo reminds me of "Finding Nemo" where all the seagulls are yelling "Mine! Mine! Mine" (in reference to fish scraps they want to eat).

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

I absolutely love crab cakes. We have great ones here in the NE. They look like they had so much fun!!

Gail Dixon said...

Oh, my. All the other hermit crabs are poking fun at Misty. Too cute tho. Looks like a grand time!

Bonsack Baptist Preschool Consignment Sale said...

Oh my! Hermit crabs...I remember 'babysitting' yours!

Valerie Boersma said...

I love Maryland crab cakes! Truly one of the good things I get to experience when going back east to visit my inlaws!

When I was a kid I wanted to bring a piece of seaweed home. Now I can't even imagine how awful the smell would have been after being in the car for a couple of hours!

Fun pictures of your three cutie pies!!

Karen said...

We brought home a huge Conch shell once.. and put it on the coffee table to admire. The next morning it was half way across the living room floor!... and back to the ocean it went :-)

Jill said...

Love the hermit crab...brings back memories.

Mom of 12 said...

We so wanted to try crab cakes in MD! The situation just didn't present itself. We were running that entire day and we ended up eating out of the cooler both times. Yours looks amazing!

Chatty Crone said...

Your boys always look so sweet and well behaved. Glad you had a good crab sandwich. And that hermit crab - - totally understand - we got two turtles! lol Sandie

Maude Lynn said...

Those playground pictures are so cute!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

The only thing we ever brought home from FL was a baby alligator! Remind me to tell that story some time! Looks as if the boys loved that pirate ship...think Paul should build one!...:)JP

Unknown said...

Lisa the boys are really getting big! your crab plate looks so good! Thanks for your sweet comment...I really needed them all! I think a small piece of me went with him...We were so close! Wishing you a wonderful week! Thanks again!

Eat To Live said...

Looks like you had a GREAT time and I am glad one of those gulls didn't poop on your head.

Michelle said...

Once again I vetoed the hermit crab when we were at the beach this summer. You are a good woman.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We think its fun to watch the Gulls too! What a wonderful day!

Marie said...

I love crab cakes...yummy! My son always liked the pirate ship at Sea World. Looks like your boys had a fun vacation. How sweet of you to let them bring home a hermit crab. :)

Vision By Mila said...

those seagulls positioned themselves like that on purpose, for photo session! :D

Jen said...

I used to have pet hermit crabs too!!! Love them!
Great pics :)

Sandy said...

Yummy...I love fried pickles. What a neat ship for the boys to play on.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Misty is very cute. My children never had those when they were little. Looks like a fun time and I love the playground. Really cute!