Monday, May 6, 2013

I am Still a Runner

I just haven't been doing my monthly running updates.  Mostly because I've been kind of disappointed in how things are going.  I am out there running, but I'm slow and sluggish and don't feel right.  It's hard.  Here is a recap of the past 3 months.

I started February strong.  The first two weeks of the month I ran 51 miles, did Shred 5 times, yoga 10 times, abs 8 times, and rode my horse 4 times.  Then the vertigo hit halfway through the month and I didn't do anything the rest of February.

The first week of March I was still battling the vertigo.  But after the first week I started forcing myself to run again.  I could barely eek out 3 miles, and it felt rough, but I kept making myself get out there.  I ran 68 miles, and towards the end of the month lifted weights twice.

Ran 95 miles, lifted weights x 4, hiking x 1, yoga x 3, abs x 1.

It's still a struggle.  I'm not sure why I haven't bounced back.  I've been running for ten years, and I've never felt this bad running for this long.  I guess it it is what it is, and all I can do is suck it up and keep trying, and hope that, eventually, things will get easier.  I'm still a runner.  I'm just not a sleek and racing runner right now.  But I'm still getting out there, and for now, I need to be content with that, because it appears to be the best I can do.  I guess even people who have been running for over a decade have bad stretches. 

Readers, in what areas of your life does your determination and heart show? 


Gail Dixon said...

If I tried half of what you've done the last three months, I'd be a goner! Keep trying, I have faith in your ability that your numbers will improve.

Anonymous said...

I am glad you are sticking with it. You really love it. I hope it gets easier.

Buttons Thoughts said...


Eat To Live said...

Hahahah... I had a pair of shoes just like those a couple of years ago.

I wonder what is at the root of your vertigo problem?

Anonymous said...

Good for you for continuing to strive. I'm sure you will be back to your old self soon.

andy said...

Lisa your still the same runner and person you have always been ! Hang in there ! It will come back

Sharon Wagner said...

Keeping up with my push-ups. I do 50 and the first 10 are the hardest. Uff da.

Liz Mays said...

You bet you're still a runner. I hope things take a turn for the less sluggish soon; I know it's important to you!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Yes, You Are A Runner.

Have you had your iron checked lately? Sometimes low ferritin (spelling) can make you feel like that.

Sally said...

I hate that you get vertigo, Lisa. Not good.

It's wonderful that you do what you can; you put walkers like me to shame. 95 miles? Girl, you could have come to visit me. :)

Be careful though, okay?


TexWisGirl said...

after only 1 yr of running (and learning to love it), i've pretty much had to give it up and morph into a walk/trot. my shin splints just won't take the shock of a true foot fall. (and i've replaced shoes, tried compression sleeves, changed my stride, my strike, did stretching exercises, rest, ice, etc.) *sigh*

Sunnybrook Farm said...

Give it some time, you have the important part, the desire to run.

ain't for city gals said...

I'm the same...I'm still running but most days it isn't pretty!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so sorry about this, because it is something you love, and I hope things will change. How about telling your doctor this? Maybe your thyroid is just low or something, maybe it could be a simple fix? I think my determination and heart are in my deacon work. It is like you with the running. Even when I am sick or very busy, I love to fit in the hospital visits, bringing sick people meals, counseling, and driving people here and there. Phil is trying to step down as Head Deacon after so many years, but we will still be deacons.

A Colorful World said...

I would hate running! :-) It's all I can do to get on the Nordic Track for 10 minutes! I do have CFS, but aside from the exhaustion that sets in, it's also the boredom! Anyway, what did the Dr. do for that vertigo?

Nancy said...

I used to love running in my 30s -- like you. But after so many back issues and hip problems, I had to stop. Does not make me happy at all, but at least I can somewhat sleep at night. (Still have sciatica.) Take care Lisa -- maybe a different form of exercise would be beneficial?

jp@A Green Ridge said...

If it's not feeling right, don't push it...I am glad you are listening to your body!...:)JP

Valerie Boersma said...

Hey Lisa, I think you are doing great! Just take it easy, and keep plugging away. My writing lately makes me feel the same way:)

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Kudos to you for sticking with it, even if you are going through a rough patch at the moment. I hope things get easier for you soon!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I think you do an amazing job. I have never been a runner because of my asthma and the medications that were available 50 years ago. Then as I got older the COPD has come. One of my dreams was always to be a runner.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Don't let it get you down! Even though I can't walk outside much anymore, I still walk as much as I can indoors..I know it's good for me, even though it sounds puny to anyone else. I'm up, I'm moving and that's always a good thing. I'm sure you will get back in your groove soon!

Grandma Bonnie said...

It is awesome you are sticking with running. I hope it gets better for you. Have a great week.

Lin said...

In the words of Dori the fish--keep on swimming, swimming, swimming! I think you just have to keep at it until you get your grove back. It will come. It WILL!

I still think your exercise routine is incredible! Especially when you consider how busy you are already. Be easy on yourself, my friend.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

WOW! 10 years running...what a great accomplishment, you should be proud.
I'm most proud of simply putting one foot in front of the other, daily, these days. In time, I'll do better but for now, this is good.

Linda said...

Don't overdo it! You have kids to keep you active.
BTW, how do you feel after doing yoga?

Unknown said...

Lisa: As a former distance runner myself, Tina and Ginny's comments sound logical and kind. If you consult a physician with whom you have confidence, my bet is they will get to the bottom of whatever is going on. Hoping you feel better soon! :)

Texan said...

Hang tight, I have slowly been working my way back as well. It takes time. I don't try to run like I did before, I run like I do now. Does that make sense. I am a swimming fool and loving that! I don't run 8 miles 10 miles etc at a time now. I run 3. But so far no injuries and I feel good! Don't try to push to much to fast :O).

Anonymous said...

WEll, not running. Gardening I guess. I'm crazy to put so much effort into less than half a year of growing season!