Tuesday, May 7, 2013

World Book Night 2013 #wbn2013

Some of you may remember last year when I blogged about participating in World Book Night to promote reading in my community.  Well I applied again this year and was excited to be accepted.  I chose the book Still Alice, which is written from the point of view of someone with Alzheimers, and which haunted me for days after I read it. 

Once again, I went to the local Subway restaurant to give out copies of the book in my little town.  This year I took Pierce with me, because the kid LOVES to talk to strangers, and I figured he'd enjoy giving books to people.  Plus, at the age of six it's time for him to start being active in giving back to the community too. 

People in my community seemed much more receptive to Still Alice than the book I gave out last year.  Everyone seemed really excited to read it, and it seems to make people feel warm and fuzzy to get something for free.  I also think most of us have experienced the tragedy of Alzheimers in our lives at some point or another, so most folks can relate to the topic.  I hope that those who took a free copy of Lisa Genova's wonderful book will find it as poignant and touching as I did. 

If you'd like to share the love of reading in your community, this is a free program and you can sign up to get on the mailing list for next year by visiting the World Book Night website.  They are always looking for more book givers! 


The Cranky said...

A doubly wonderful idea Lisa; both the book you gave away and getting Pierce involved.

This definitely looks like a programme I would be interested in myself.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like it went so well! Pierce sounds like a great salesman.

Anonymous said...

What a great project for you and Pierce together.

Heather said...

What an interesting idea! I had never heard of this program, but it sounds like something I would love to participate in! The book sounds good as well.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Lisa you are the most giving person and to take Pierce with you is such an incredible idea.
I am going to look for that book as you know I am dealing with this subject with my Mom and it hits close to home for me. Thank you Lisa for being who you are. Hugs B

Karen thisoldhouse2.com said...

That was a great book.. inspirational and heartbreaking both.

and.. adorable Pierce!

Gail Dixon said...

What a wonderful idea! And to get your children involved at such a young age is so great. The book sounds intriguing and I am going to check out that program!

Monkeywrangler said...

Never heard of this organization before...might have to get involved next year though! It looks like a good idea.

And thanks for pointing me to a book I would not have otherwise considered reading, Still Alice. I lost my dad to dementia & complications back in 2009.

mail4rosey said...

That's nice that you participated and that you took the little one to help too!

Valerie Boersma said...

Lisa, I remember that when you did this last year, I thought it was a very worthwhile project. Once again, good for you-and Pierce!! And the book looks like an excellent choice:)

andy said...

Sounds like it went well ! Have a wonderful day !

Grandma Bonnie said...

I like the idea of sharing your love of reading. I have got to sign up for this next year.

Eat To Live said...

I remember you did this last year. I am not great at talking to strangers so not sure I would be good at this.

I bet Pierce really enjoyed it though.

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is such a good program, and it is good he is so willing!! Yes, my grandmother had Alzheimer's, back when they were only beginning to understand it, though they still don't really.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

What an awesome program and I love that you took Pierce along with you. Such a great example you are setting for him at a young age!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

A great way to expose Pierce and some of the members of your "small town"...:)JP

Anonymous said...

Very cool program! Sounds like a good book, too.

Michelle said...

Really wonderful that you participate in this and even more so that you have Pierce involved.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I think its wonderful that you are teaching the boys to give back- and you do it to.
I wish we lived close to you, I think you would be a cook person to know.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

That was such a good thing for you to do, Lisa. And how fun to give away books! That's great, too, that you got Pierce involved.

I will have to put that book on my list.

Vision By Mila said...

He's so cute!

Liz Mays said...

I really do remember this from last year. I'm glad there was such excitement and that your little helper is so social.

Nancy said...

I'm not sure I would be able to read this one as my dad passed from Alzheimer's but I'm sure it's a great book. Love that you involved Pierce in your activity.

WeeMason's Mom said...

Still Alice is one of my favorite books!!

One of the books this year "Popular 485" was written by a gentleman who lived about 15 miles from me at the time he wrote the book and due to a misunderstanding, I missed the chance to see him read from his most recent book on WBN kickoff night. Still so bummed about that!