Monday, May 13, 2013

The Bike Rodeo

Every year Pierce's school has a bike rodeo, and the boys adore it.  Basically kids just bring their bikes and ride around, and they have bouncy houses set up along with hot dogs and hamburgers.  The boys didn't care one bit about eating dinner.  They just wanted to bike.

I guess it's like uncharted territory, getting to bike ride in a new place.

Uh, hey Pierce, you need to slow down!

Pierce, slow down!

Pierce, there are too many people to ride that fast, slow down!

If you don't SLOW DOWN the bike is going in to time out for 30 minutes.

Guess what?  Pierce slowed down.  But I think his speedy zipping about rubbed off on his little  brothers....

Readers, do you remember the joy and freedom of riding your bike as a kid?  I sure do! 


Nancy said...

We lived on our bikes as kids -- and no helmets of course. :)

Jill said...

How adorable! I love the determination on their faces!

born imaginative. said...

What a nice place to practice safely with pals.

I remember getting the wind knocked out of me as we slipped on the dewy grass going down a slight hill. I think my brother still has a circular scar from the handlebar on his belly.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Lisa I sure do. Great shots. B

Angelwithatwist said...

I wish I had some place here to ride.. because I so would. AS it is I have to drive my bike to town to have a place to ride and if I am gonna do that I will just walk instead.

Anonymous said...

It looks like a wonderful event. I loved getting to see your boys fly.

Anonymous said...

I LOVED riding my bike all over town when I was growing up in Iowa. The town was so flat.. no hills. It's why I don't have a bike today because I could never make it up the hills. No helmets then and no knee pads and no one died. I can tell your boys were loving the ride! xox

Eat To Live said...

What a fun day.... I still ride my bike and feel joy and freedom everytime I do.

Sandra Orchard said...

Ah yes, brings back memories! Great pics, Lisa

Sally said...

Oh, yes I do. They look so cute, Lisa! :)

Liz Mays said...

You actually can kinda tell that he IS going awful speedily around there, but how fun!

The Cranky said...

What a wonderful idea and it's obvious all the kids loved it.

I nearly lived on my bike in the summer and named her, of course it was a her, Princess Poppycock...don't ask me why.

Monkeywrangler said...

Oh I still enjoy riding my bike!

An Apel a Day said...

They look like they are having fun!

TexWisGirl said...

so cute!

my sis and i would disappear down country roads and to neighboring towns for hours!

andy said...

That looks just plain fun ! I wish I was a kid again :) !!!

Sharon Wagner said...

Zoom, zoom. And no one got hurt.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Oh, I can see the look of a daredevil on each of their faces! :-)

I loved riding my bike. My brother and I raced each other and set up obstacle courses to ride through. Other times I just rode around, enjoying the wind and the movement. Sometimes I pretended my bike was really a horse.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Looks like fun! Pierce sure was determined to go fast!

Gail Dixon said...

We were on our bikes from dawn to dusk! No one in our group had an obesity problem either. Your boys are precious on their bikes.

mail4rosey said...

I remember. It was one of my favorite things to do. :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

What fun!!!! This is such a great idea for schools to do, too bad they don't do it around here! Gosh, you may have a mini Evel Kenevel on your hands!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Gosh, Baby Girl, that's how we got around back in the day!...:)JP

Valerie Boersma said...

I remember the freedom, and thrill of speed-and the crunch as I hit a parked car;)

Maggid said...

Love, Love, LOVE this post - and - YES!!! I remember.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

A bike rodeo sounds so fun! What a great idea. Love the shots!

Debbie said...

i still have that same joy and freedom!! i hope i never grow up!!

awesome event and awesome pictures!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Looks like they had a lot of fun and yes I do remember the joy of riding a bike!

Marie said...

I do remember those fun days! Your boys looked so happy!

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite pasttimes as a kid. Thanks for the cute photos. Your boys are growing fast.

aki! said...

I just rode a bike for the first time after 10 years or so. It was awesome.

7% Solution​

Grandma Bonnie said...

Looks like they had fun. Sure did bring back some good memories

Andrea said...

These pictures are awesome! It looks like so much fun.

Last summer I reunited with my bike but then it got too hot. I'm hoping we get cooler weather soon (after almost 90 today) that works! :>