Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Arch

We left Nebraska around lunchtime to start our long trip home.  Broken into three driving days (with one free day in Kentucky built in), our first day of driving took us to St. Louis.  We didn't have time to do anything fun there, other than a brief swim in the hotel pool.  The next morning we got an early start to Kentucky, and fifteen minutes into our drive we saw this:
 I told the boys that you could go up inside.  They were so disappointed that we didn't have time to stop.  I was a little disappointed too.  It must be quite interesting from the inside.

And then, just like that, we were past The Gateway Arch and headed further east.  Kentucky beckoned.
Goodbye St. Louis!  Maybe next time we'll get a chance to explore. 

Readers, have you ever visited St. Louis?


Ercotravels said...

Wonderful interesting tour with nice pictures....

Sunnybrook Farm said...

You guys had a good trip, the boys got to see so much.

Anonymous said...

I have only been to the airport in St. Louis. I would love to go back and explore the town.

andy said...

Now that's cool ! Boy you have seen some awesome things this summer

Anonymous said...

I've never visited there. My sis just moved to KC last week.

Anonymous said...

I've only passed through St. Louis on my way to somewhere else. I'm not sure I could convince myself to go up into the arch...

TexWisGirl said...

i've never been to the arch.

Sally said...

I have a friend who lives very close to St. Louis; she loves her town.

Great photo's.


Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I've only been in the St. Louis airport, changing planes. I didn't know you could go up in the arch--that sounds cool!

Grandma Bonnie said...

It would have been nice if you had the time to stop and go up in the Arch. I visited St. Louis and did go up in the Arch. I was terrified and could hardly enjoyed the experience.

Anonymous said...

I've never been, though I hear it's a cool city. Our next family vacation sounds like it will be Kentucky/Tennessee.

Marie said...

there's no way I would go up in the arch!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my goodness, so you can go all through the inside?And NO windows, I think I would feel buried alive, it is so thin.

Mary said...

No. I've never been to that part of the country, but would love to see it. The arch looks like it would have been fascinating. :)

Harry Flashman said...

Once, when I was a little boy. My parents took us on a trip every summer and I remember visiting the zoo there.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

That is the biggest arch we ever did see.

Eat To Live said...

We drove by that arch.... we didn't get a chance to stop... Maybe next time.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

We live about 2 hours from St. Louis so we visit all the time. After college we lived up there for about a year before moving back home. I've only been inside the arch once when I was a little girl, but I remember it being so awesome! The elevator ride up was a little bit scary though :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I've been past there a few times and I've never been inside either!

mail4rosey said...

I have not been, but I'd like to go. You got a great couple of pics!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Like you, we have been through St. Louis --and have seen the arch, but haven't ever had time to stop... Seems like we are always on our way to somewhere else...


Tanya Breese said...

oh i've been up in there! i was actually pregnant with my twins at the time and it wasn't too long after 9/11 so it was a little nerve wracking to be in a monument. beautiful views from up there!

Unknown said...

Yes, several times. But like you, I never had a chance to ride the special elevator in the Arch. Next time...

Nancy said...

The Arch is truly a beautiful structure.

GardenOfDaisies said...

Nooooo! Go back! You have to take the boys up in the Arch! You sit inside this little "capsule" to ride to the top. And then you are in a long hallway-like room with windows on both sides and you can see for miles. The arch actually sways a little bit if the wind is blowing hard, so it feels kinda strange up there. But it's marvelous!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I've not been to St. Louis! I have to tell you that it was only few years ago that I learned you could actually go INSIDE the arch. I thought it was too skinny to enter it!