Wednesday, November 13, 2013

K5 Learning Website Review and Giveaway

Disclaimer:  I was provided with a 6 week trial of K5 Learning for review purposes.  I was not compensated in any other way for this post.  All opinions are my own. 

I've blogged before about how I like to supplement what my boys learn at school with additional learning activities at home.  We usually do workbooks and printables, but I was intrigued when K5 Learning contacted me to see if I'd like to do a review of their website.  They provide an online reading and math program for grades kindergarten - 5th, which builds skills through independent study. 

K5 Learning has sections for reading, math, and spelling.  There are lessons children can do, which are fun and engaging.  The characters are cute and get excited when kids get a problem or game correct.  Parents can also go in and give their child assignments that he or she can do when logged on. 

The twins are just four, and still in preschool, so they are still a little young.  However, they were able to do some of the lessons - alphabet letters, numbers, and beginning sight words.  Both Cort and Reid loved trying their hand at the lessons, even the ones that were too advanced for them.

And although our internet connection is horrifically slow (we have to get online through our cell phones, and the connection is poor due to the mountain behind our house), this website loaded easily and ran efficiently.

One helpful thing the site offers free is an assessment in reading and math.  Once your child is assessed, lessons start at the appropriate grade level, and build from there, growing increasingly challenging as your child builds on skills.  I had Pierce do both assessments.  Pierce is in first grade, but he is in a second grade reading group at school.  He is also at a second grade math level (he has passed the end of first grade math level test, so they give him extra work at school to keep him challenged, as I didn't want to move him up).  It took Pierce about 30 minutes to take each assessment on the K5 Learning website.  Once he finished, the results were immediately available when I logged in as the parent.  The website placed him on a second grade math and a second grade reading level.  So their results are consistent with the results I have received from Pierce's school.  In addition, now Pierce can go to the website and continue to build on his current skill level from home.  He's the type of kid who loves to learn, so he is excited to continue using this program.

K5 is offering a free six week trial to one lucky reader!  Just click on the Rafflecopter below to enter:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Gail Dixon said...

If only all parents would take such an interest in their children's education. Sounds like a great tool there! (sorry about your internet connection tho)

The Cranky said...

You are such a great Mom/teacher Lisa, your boys are so lucky to have you!
This sounds like a great way to help kids learn and to love learning.

Out on the prairie said...

Sounds interesting, always nice to encourage learning

Harry Flashman said...

I wish such tools had been available when my children were little. That sounds like a great thing for home schoolers.

Tiggeriffic said...

This is really a great educational thing for the boys.. Ben uses a program that they have at his school..When he was with his Mom last week he spent 2 hours at the computer doing math.. He loves Math.. He is able to get the program on his mom's computer...the program they are using at school.
Have you heard of spelling It's a great website ...Ben's school has this program and he is able to look up the words that he will have on a spelling test..practice and play games with the words.. IT's really awesome..~!
Have a blessed day...ta ta for now from Iowa:)

Lynn said...

what a great idea this program is, and you are an inspirational Mom :-).

mail4rosey said...

I haven't heard of it until now. It does sound good for the little ones, and a fun way to let them get in some computer time too.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Sounds like a great program! And it's wonderful that you're supplementing what the kids are doing at school. So many parents don't seem interested and just leave it all up to the schools. It's sad for the kids.

Unknown said...

Looks fun!

Willow said...

Isn't it great that he loves learning things !

Anonymous said...

This looks like a great tool! My guy would like it too.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Sounds wonderful- I'm passing the site over to my daughter for my grandson. Thanks for sharing.

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Lisa,
This is a great post, my friend.
I am so happy that your children are learning so much, especially because they take after a smart mom and dad like both of you, as their great parents.
You are doing an excellent job with your 3 children, Lisa.
Of course, this is the job of a real good mom for every child.
God keeps blessing all of you.
My hubby will go on vacation next week until the end of this year 2013. So, he will demand more time from me, and I'll have less time in the computer.
We are making arrangements with our new projects for our new lives in the incoming future, the promising new year 2014.
I hope so...
Hugs & Greetings from Poet Starry.

Shine Kids Crafts said...

This sounds good! I always print some free downloadable worksheets for my son to do too.

Rob said...

Wow, Lisa! Great way to use a computer. I hope your boys keep learning from it.

Blessings and Bear hugs!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

How neat, Lisa. What a great enhancement to your kids' learning experiences... LOVE it... They didn't used to have such great stuff available like that!!!!! I'm impressed..


Linda said...

Looks like a good tool! I don't have anyone young enough for this.

Unknown said...

Computers and cool! :)

Jenn Jilks said...

What a fun give away!
Good opportunity for you, too.

sarah buki said...

love that it has such a wide range of activities for different ages!