Friday, January 31, 2014

Chimneys and Cookies

1.  Someone, somewhere, must remember the home with dual chimneys that once stood here, in Waid Park.
2.  Recently at dinner, I asked Cort what he wanted to be when he grew up.  He thought about it for a moment, while I waited, curious.  He looked at me very seriously, and said, "A grown up".  I told him that was an excellent goal.

3.  The boys and I were talking about making cookies, and we were trying to decide what kind to make.  Reid said, "We should make dog cookies.  But that don't taste like dog".

4.  I read a lot of books this month.  Fourteen books in all (and one was almost 800 pages)!  I guess January is a good month for reading, if nothing else.

5.  The twins have started drawing scenes all the time, and then they tell me stories about what is happening in the picture.  I love seeing how their imaginations are working.

Linked with Random Friday at A Rural Journal.


Anonymous said...

It must be wonderful to hear the stories that go along with the pictures. Wow! You are a whole lot of books.

Steve Surratt said...

I love finding old abandoned houses in the woods, wondering who lived there, how long ago.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

I am pretty sure that I have seen a photo of that house. A woman that I work with said knows about that area as her family owned the farm across the creek from the park and there was a house over there that is gone as well. If you out past those chimneys the original road went around the hill and there was a school not too far out that way.
Looks like we have school today, wooo hoooo!

Barbara said...

#3 had me laughing...ah boys!

Ercotravels said...

Interesting write up..

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh your boys always have the best answers I love their imaginations too. That was probably a very beautiful house in its day. Hug B

Anonymous said...

So happy you share the boys and the cute things they say/do on your blog. Wishing you guys a great weekend.

mail4rosey said...

lol, you don't want your dog cookies to taste like dogs, ahahaa

My son gets alarmed when he thinks of being a grown up and says, 'where would I live?' 'Who would take care of me?' 'What would I eat???' Makes me laugh. :)

Monkeywrangler said...

I'd enjoy metal detecting around those old house ruins...

Your boys are a hoot,Lisa. Enjoy them while they are this age. They grow up far too fast!

Sandra said...

That is a lot of books!! I am usually a big reader and you would think with being cooped up I would be reading books, but I didn't finish one in January.

Sally said...

I'm so glad you write about the answers of your little boys. I too would prefer cookies like Reid! :)

TexWisGirl said...

loved 'grown up' and 'don't taste like dog'. :)

Anonymous said...

I'd be intrigued by those chimneys, too.

Out on the prairie said...

the story pictures sound fun, my father used to do this with us.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I'm with Reid--no cookies that taste like dog! :-)

I bet you hear the best stories ever, from your boys' pictures and imaginations.

Fourteen books is a lot for one month! You must read fast. Any good mysteries?

Unknown said...

Aw enjoyed your boys sweet answers to your questions. Happy Friday. I got your message about Francie thanks for the update. Happy she is doing so well, yay!

Harry Flashman said...

There are lots of old home places here scattered through the woods. Most are just chimneys like your pictures. People go around and look for the ravine or slope where the old occupants threw out their trash. Then they dig it up for bottles, old utensils, etc which they sell at the flea market.

I agree with your son on the cuisine. I had to eat dog in Korea. I was a guest and that's what the hosts wife served. It was ghastly but the rules of hospitality make no exception for cultural differences.

Gail Dixon said...

Your boys are always coming up with the cutest things. Impressive number of books you've read. Man!

Bas. said...

dat is heel wat 17 boeken dan is een beetje afleiding ook wel goed.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Actually being a grown up is a great answer, I wish my daughter wanted to be one :) Love the two chimmeys picture too. Also there is nothing better than a child's imagination!

Anonymous said...

Love the shot of the chimneys. Very interesting. I must say, I do know some adults that are not very grown up.

Anonymous said...

That is a GOOD number of books to read - I so want to get back to reading some :)! And yes being grown up is a great goal... dog biscuits LOL!... and I love listening to Aarya telling me about his stories too :) One was - This is Tatha (Dad) with his key... going to climb the black car :) (very matter-of - fact but oh-so-cute)

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Wow, you really did read a lot this month! Not much else to do in January, haha!

Linda said...

There are so many abandoned houses out here in the country where I live. I would love to photograph them in winter and then sneak a peek inside. I do not dare!!! Linda@Wetcreek Blog

Rob-bear said...

What interesting thoughts you share.! From twin fireplaces to dog cookies. Book reading to growing up. Pictures and stories. All of those are good. And fun!

Blessings and Bear hug!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

now the question is - do you want to read those 800 pages? are they interesting? fun to read? or boring as heck? i remember having to read in school & when it was a fun book i loved it. other wise i really dislike it ... almost hated it.

i want to be a "grown-up" ... when does that happen? ha. ha!! ( :

Candy C. said...

Loved your randomness, especially #2 and #3!! :)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

What a great answer...a grown up!! And yes, I can imagine their imaginations....look at their Mom!...:)JP

Veronica Roth said...

Hi Lisa, the other day mom took out a folder of drawings Chloe did when she was about 4 or 5 yrs old and I still remember her stories. It's lovely to listen to your children, isn't it? Hope you have a lovely weekend. :)

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We love it when you tell us how they are using their imagination! We are still thinking about the Braclet Man!

Tanya Breese said...

i love that picture! and a grown up is a great goal...oh and number 5, love that too!

Ida said...

What an interesting photo of the chimney's. It does make one wonder about what type of a home once stood there.
Oh my the things your boys say are so funny. I had a good chuckle reading this post and learning a little about your family.

Linda said...

Your kids say the darnedest things! (Wait, you are probably too young to be familiar with that expression. )

Endah Murniyati said...

Woow...fourteen books in a month, and 800 pages? That's really impossible for me. You have did a great job.

Michaele said...

I can imagine that a dog-shaped cookie might take on a doggy taste : ) You are raising some smart kids.

Nancy said...

Hee hee -- your boys always make me smile. And good for you on the reading. That's amazing!

Stephanie Faris said...

#2 made me laugh! You know, I've known a lot of adults who never really grew up, so it is a pretty good goal!

Andrea said...

If only I had aspired to be a grown-up, I might be more like one now. :D

Sarah Huizenga said...

I have anxiously been waiting to get to your post. I work systematically through them. I was intrigued by the picture of the two chimneys. Would love to hear more about them. Fourteen book is amazing, even in my best month I never read that many. I am happy to get through two a month.

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Bela imaginação...Espectacular....


#5 is so sweet! I'd love to find out the story behind the dual chimneys too, if those walls (chimneys) could talk...

Slamdunk said...

How fun with #5. Our kids are big on drawing and such and do the same thing. Our youngest has quite the imagination--not sure the other two can out do him in terms of wild creativity.

At least the blah weather is good for encouraging that.

An Apel a Day said...

A grown up is a perfect thing to want to be!

When I ask Isaak he says he wants to be a builder, a Dad, a hair dresser and a baker. That's a lot on his list!

Mica wants to be an inventor.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Fourteen books??? Wowza….love that!
Did you explain that being a grown up isn't always so fun??? ha ha…never mind, don't spoil it for them.