Tuesday, January 14, 2014

When Old Fashioned is Better

I don't generally like most kitchen gadgets.  They tend to take up a lot of space in my small kitchen, and often are more work than they are worth (except for my Kitchenaid and breadmaker).  Recently I was in Dollar Tree, and saw these things called Eggies that allow you to make boiled eggs without the shells.  I thought it was a brilliant idea, because who doesn't hate peeling the shells off eggs?  For a dollar, I figured it was worth a shot.

I brought it home and pulled out the instructions, plus what seemed like a billion plastic pieces.  Each eggie has four different pieces.  Each piece had to be washed.  Then I had to grease them all.  I used nonstick cooking spray, but you can't just spray it on for some reason.  You have to spray it on a paper towel, and then wipe each piece down.  Then you have to partially assemble the pieces, and crack each egg into a bowl, then pouring it into the eggie.  Next you have to screw the eggie together.  Oh yes, all this just to get started.

Eventually I got all this done and my eggies were boiling away, when I noticed the water getting rather foamy.  Somehow, I didn't get one of the lids screwed on all the way, and foamy egg was spreading all over my pot.  Big time mess going on.  By the time they were done cooking, there was egg all over the place.  I dumped water out of the offending eggie, and let them cool.  I stared in dismay at all the messy, egg-covered pieces, which while dishwasher safe, were definitely going to need some scrubbing.

Despite it showing perfectly shaped eggs on the eggie box, you don't get perfectly shaped eggs.  You get eggs without a top.  They are kind of goofy looking - not the sort of thing you'd want to take to a potluck, as people would eye these alien-shaped eggs with disdain and be afraid to eat them. 

Overall, I'd say the eggie experiment was a big fail.  Except my boys did eat the eggs, and loved them.  However, my box of eggies has gone on to Goodwill to hopefully find a more appreciative home.  As for me, my future deviled eggs will be crafted the good old-fashioned way.  Which....as it turns out...is truly much easier.

Readers, have you found any instances where old-fashioned is better lately?


The Cranky said...

I'm a bit of a Hutterite when it comes to kitchen technology, with the exception of my zester and microplane. No breadmaker, Kitchenaid, or food processer here!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

I saw those a year or two ago on TV and they really tried to hide how the eggs were flat on one end but it would have to be as you would need to pump the liquid in under pressure to completely fill the plastic. Anyway I didn't buy one but thought it would still be a good idea until you brought out the cleaning problem. I don't like cleaning stuff like that. We will stick with the old way and I think if you use older eggs, they peel better.

Cat said...

I just watched a video on peeling eggs. After boiling, cool each one in ice water. Then tap each end of the egg on the counter to crack the shell. Make a little hole on each end, then hold the egg in your fist and blow on one hole and the whole boiled egg pops out the other end. I haven't tried it, but it looked so easy in the video. You have to add a tsp of baking soda to the boiling water.

Cat said...


Connie in Hartwood said...

I can't be without my Kitchenaid mixer or my hand blender. My ancient Cuisinart comes out of the cupboard when needed. Just about everything else is old school.

Crack your eggs and let them sit in the pan in cold water. It works, unless it's one of those sticky eggs that refuses to peel easily.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Reading the instructions, I'd have left it in the store. A dollop of white vinegar in the water helps with the peeling process.
Have you ever tried baking eggs in the shell? Seems I read something about oven baked eggs making hard "boiled" eggs.

Nancy said...

If I had a penny for every Made in China gadget I've tried and tossed...

Yep, old and reliable is usually best. :)

Anonymous said...

I was so hoping they would work out. Glad the boys liked the eggs!

Michaele said...

I glad you tried it before I did. For a minute there I thought you might be onto something.

Lynn said...

this is funny. I too have had my share of strange kitchen appliance trials and errors still worth a try as one never knows ;-) which one will be the perfect find.

Out on the prairie said...

they sounded good.

The woody pic in my last post is a water lily seed pod.

Harry Flashman said...

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I think it was probably worth the attempt. If it had worked out, it would have been nice. When I boil eggs, I always wind up having big hunks of the eggs come off with the shell.

TexWisGirl said...

too funny. alien eggs. :)

Anonymous said...

My fave way to boil egg is to put them in our electric kettle with water, then leave them for 10 minutes after the kettle shuts off. Perfectly boiled every time. Alton Brown taught me that;)

Bas. said...

ja geef mij ook maar gewoon de ouderwetse manier ,het is eigenlijk zo gebeurd.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Oh man, too bad they didn't work. Sounds like way too much effort though! Sometimes the old fashioned way really is better.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Yes, it sounded like more trouble than it was worth. But you didn't know until you tried. I tend to stick to the old fashioned ways--I hate having a lot of little appliances to clean up.

Gail Dixon said...

While you were describing the process, I was thinking peeling the eggs would be preferable. Hee! Well, you tried. Sometimes these modern gadgets aren't what they're cracked up to be.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

To me as an old lady, I usually always think that old-fashioned is better.

We did buy (recently) that bake potato microwave thingie--and it works. Get a good baked potato (or more) in 4 minutes.... Love it.

Never heard of that egg thing.


rayfamily said...

I just simplified the kitchen utility drawer to what I use. Kind of like cleaning out a closet and donating what you haven't touched in forever. We had some friends that got us these as a gift a while back, utter pain!

mail4rosey said...

People always rave out their Kitchen Aid mixers...makes me want to try one. :)

I've been burned on kitchen gadgets. The bake pops everyone loves I can't make right to save my life. I should donate that set to Goodwill so someone can get some good use out of it, instead of it just sitting around here taking up cupboard space.

L.L.E said...

What a process for a simple hard boiled egg!

I do have a few favorite kitchen gadgets though....

a pastry blender--one of those hand things with sharp blades on it for cutting in shortening or butter.

my kitchen aid mixer

hand blender

That's about it. The rest like the garlic peeler, tart maker, sandwich maker, espresso maker have all made their way to the Good Will.

Barbara said...

I don't have room for kitchen gadgets so everything I use is old school. I would love to have a crock pot, but that might be considered and old school appliance.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I came up with your conclusion, when you said each piece had to be greased by hand!! Besides, I am old and fashioned...)JP

Anonymous said...

You are the 2nd blog friend who has been unhappy with these. I think the old fashioned way is easier in the long run, too.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Thank you for telling us exactly how not wonderful they are!!
Glad we have not tried them!

Rob-bear said...

Sounds like way too much work. For anyone.

Back to doing eggs the old way is just fine.

Blessings and Bear hugs!

Endah Murniyati said...

I usually use stone mortar and pestle to make 'sambal' an Indonesian fresh chilli sauce. The taste is much better than we proccessed it using blender or food processor. We need more time, but the taste is so great

Anonymous said...

Obviously she has set a goal for herself, or may have been told by a physician that she must do this for her health. OR, maybe she... like you.... just loves to run. xox... no, doubt I could run in a dress of any kind.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Thanks for the warning!

Chatty Crone said...

Did you ever hear you can bake them in the oven - in a cupcake tin?

Linda said...

So glad you tried this! I saw the gadget in the store and wondered if it were worth buying.