Thursday, April 3, 2014

Sausage and Rice Breakfast Casserole Recipe - Comfort Food!

My uncle raises his own hogs and makes sausage every year.  A while ago he gave me some to try and I made the most wonderful sausage casserole - this is not your typical breakfast casserole!  In fact, we ate it for dinner and the boys LOVED it.  It makes a lot, which is nice too.  It's not the healthiest casserole around, with the processed foods in it, but it is comfort food, and comfort food isn't always healthy.

1 box Uncle Ben's fast cooking rice (we have used chicken and have also done wild rice - both are excellent)
2 lbs. sausage
1 small onion, chopped
1 green pepper, chopped
8 ounces fresh mushrooms, sliced
2 cans of cream of chicken soup
1 cup sour cream

Cook rice according to directions on box.  Meanwhile, saute sausage and onion.  After sausage begins to brown, toss in mushrooms and green pepper.  Continue cooking until sausage is cooked through.  Preheat oven to 350*.  Place sausage and veggies in 9x13 casserole and add soups and sour cream.  Toss together and bake for 30 minutes. 

Readers, do you have any dinner dishes that you know aren't that healthy, but that you make anyhow because they just fill that comfort food craving?


Sunnybrook Farm said...

That would probably be good with chicken instead of sausage but I really like home made sausage which has a better flavor than some of the store bought stuff. Jimmy Dean is one of the best if you buy it.

mail4rosey said...

That's just the kind of dish my husband LOVES! :) You're right, comfort food at its finest.

Stephanie Faris said...

That sounds delicious. I'm always looking for new, easy recipes!

Jenn Jilks said...

Yum! I have two volunteer gigs today, just home for dinner and back out. I need something quick!
(ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

Ginny Hartzler said...

It looks so good!!! Well, this doesn't really answer your question, but I have leftover dinner for breakfast quite a bit. I also do not think eggs should only be a breakfast item, they are an almost perfect food and really versatile!

TexWisGirl said...

as a kid, one of the poor-family dishes we ate was boiled potatoes with 'burnt gravy' and hot dog pieces ladled over it. burnt gravy is made when you don't have any real meat to make gravy - you scorch lard or bacon grease in a frying pan, then add water and flour thickening.

it was not healthy, but it was comfort food that i'd love to have again - made by my mother, of course.

Willow said...

Um ~ this past winter late in the season as we got bored ~ I would have to say many of our meals became not so healthy but delish comfort food. Now that Spring has sprung we will get back to the healthier trend ( I hope).

Sally said...

That does sound and look good. As a kid growing up, we had tuna noodle casserole and loved it. I still have made it from time to time, but my brother's wife doesn't like it, so my little bro suffers in silence. hahaha

Have a great day, Lisa!

Montanagirl said...

This sounds yummy to me!

Endah Murniyati said...

It must be delicious.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

That does look good. Larry loves sausage.

My mother used to occasionally bake Spam with pineapple slices. Not healthy at all, but it tasted good and we liked it. :-)

Grandma Bonnie said...

Sure does sound like comfort food. I think my favorite comfort food is chicken fried steak smothered in gravy served with eggs over easy. Lots of comfort not so healthy.

Michaele said...

I could really "pig-out" on that! I used to make mac and cheese and fish sticks a lot when the kids were younger. That was not healthy but the LOVED it!

Gail Dixon said...

My husband adores casseroles, but tends to overeat when I make them. This looks like one he would gorge himself on. :/

M.E. Masterson said...

Yes it is called Poor Man's Dish or Shepherds Pie
This sounds really good!

Michelle said...

This is some good stuff!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Comfort food keeps us happy,, so your recipe sounds wonderful!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That looks so yummy! Thank you for the recipe.

Unknown said...

Yes. My mom makes an amazing potato chip fried chicken. I am grateful she only makes it once a year. I have not tried to make it as I am afraid I would take advantage and get into unhealthy habits :)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Now, Baby Girl, what a silly question, being married to the Pres!!!! Good morning from Aruba!...:)JP

Anonymous said...

This looks really delicious!

L.L.E said...

That definitely looks like comfort food! I'll have to try this recipe.

Tater tot casserole is an unhealthy fav around here.