Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Green Valley Book Fair

Every year we love to take a trip to the Green Valley book fair.  It only runs during certain times of the year.  The day school got out for Pierce, we took a drive up there with my mom, who was kind enough to give each of the boys a little spending money.  But even better?  She supervised them, so I could shop!
 I stocked up on lots of educational books for the boys to use this summer.  We do a little school work every day.  I don't want their minds to go completely to waste.  After a couple of hours (it is a HUGE book fair - think warehouse), we were starving.  We went to Wright's Dairy-Rite, which has been a dining staple in Staunton for many years.

The tables sport their old menus - a different year at each booth.  Wish burgers still ran 55 cents....

Pierce got to do the honors of placing our order by the phone at our table.  He was so excited to get to use it.  He did a great job.  And later, when my mom needed some cole slaw?  We just picked up the phone and told them.  Very convenient!
The strawberry milkshake I had?  Fantastic!  We were all so stuffed at the end of our meal that we could barely make the drive home.  Cort said, "That was the best day ever!'.  Indeed, it was a nice start to summer.


Steve Surratt said...

What a neat trip for the boys. I remember that Diner, every few months our IT group that covers the whole state would meet there since its basically in the center of Va.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

I went to the book fair in 1979 when it was located in the old hay barn. New books were in the cellar and used in the top. It was so crowded in the parking lot and building.
What a neat trip, they had lots of children's books when I was there last so the boys probably had a hard time choosing what to get. And then a stop at Wrights, what a day!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

You always find such unique places to share with the boys!!!...:)JP

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh a book warehouse that sounds wonderful So nice of your Mom but I am sure she enjoyed every minute. The phone order thing is cool. Hug B

Anonymous said...

Ordering food over the phone looks like such fun! I used to love to explore the book fair when I lived in Virginia.

Roan said...

My daughter has her 4 study during the summer, too. She pinpoints who needs work on which subject and focuses on that topic. Guess that's what they get for having a teacher for a mom. I think it's a great idea, but really liked homework-free summers when I was a kid. That is one cool restaurant.

Endah Murniyati said...

Book fair is my favorite event.
Your son look so happy, and I'm sure it must be a very nice day.

Out on the prairie said...

good idea to keep them in practice. The library here always has a summer read program. I want a wish burger.

An Apel a Day said...

How fun! There is a place in KC that has a phone like that, and a train that rides around the store to deliver your food. :)

I just love anything that has books involved.

TexWisGirl said...

how neat! :)

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love a good book fair too; sadly ours are only held at the school once a year.
The diner looks like such a fun food event!

Anonymous said...

Oh man! I remember ordering food like that at the "Big T Drive-In" when we lived in Wyoming! Too cool!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Sounds like a great day! And so cool that your boys enjoy going to a bookstore. The Green Valley is on my list of "places I need to go."

Gail Dixon said...

What a cool place to dine! 1961 was a great year...I was born then. Oops, now you know I'm old!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Rats! Wrights is practically in our back yard! But you had your mom with you, maybe next the last picture!

Sally said...

I always love hearing "that was the best day ever"! And, it sure looked like it. :)

Bas. said...

je boft wel.

Vision By Mila said...

Aaaand, now I'd want something yummy to eat!

The Cranky said...

I'd have loved to tag along for the best day ever! What's not to love about books and phoning in your order?!?

Anonymous said...

A fun day for each of you!

Linda said...

One day your three guys are going to love these memories you have put in writing. Don't let them disappear in cyberspace. Keep a hard paper copy somewhere for them to discover. Hugs, Linda@Wetcreek Blog

Lin said...

I love summer for these sorts of adventures. Especially when they end in ice cream!

Harry Flashman said...

Down on the Florida Georgia border there are big warehouse book places. You can stop, browse around and stretch your legs. They have every subject under the sun.

Linda said...

Ah, we've been to the book fair many times. Just as you think you're on the wrong road, there it is!

Lynn said...

Love the photo of the three by the ruler..and diners like that usually have the 'best' of...sounds like a fantastic day for everyone.

Angie said...

What a cool little place to dine! I love how they have the yearly menus and the phone. Such a neat concept. My kids would love that!!

Tanya Breese said...

oh that is awesome! we were going to stop there one day while we were in staunton but we had been walking around in the hot sun and wanted to have something that was cool instead of burgers. one of these days though!


Une vie de maman bien remplie mais certainement aussi,des enfants très heureux. Superbes photos.
Amitiés, chère Lisa.


Unknown said...

Sounds like a lot of fun. I love educational books.
We usually make a family trip to our local book store a few times a year as well. Not as much fun as a book fair though.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

And it was a happy day for everyone!'kive

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Sounds like a perfect Summer Day for you and the boys ---and it was great that your Mom got to go also...

I think it's so important for kids to enjoy books and reading. So many don't! AND--keeping the education going during the summer is also so important...

Looks like a great time was had by all--plus an incredible lunch!!!! I'd love that Strawberry shake also.


GranthamLynn said...

Looks like a lot of fun. Cool telephone. Nice they had some spending money. I would have loved going. I love books.

Unknown said...

Seems like a fun trip, cool restaurant . I love books,

mail4rosey said...

How fun to get to pick up the phone and order, lol. My kids would love that too. :)

I like book fairs. We only have been to the ones at the kiddos' schools, but we go to bookstores every time we travel.

Slamdunk said...

We are trying to mix in reading and learning this summer as well--and do it in a fun way like you do so well.

The phones are certainly a throwback at Wright's. Our kiddos would have lots of fun ordering that way; I' would too until I got the bill.