Friday, August 22, 2014

Blowing Bubbles with #JuicyFruitFunSide

Disclaimer:  This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Juicy Fruit and One2One Network.  The opinions stated below are my own. 

I have a house rule that no one chews gum until they reach the age of 5.  As the twins' fifth birthday approached, they grew more and more excited about the day that they would finally be allowed to chew gum.  And then one day, something magical happened.  A huge box showed up at the house, FULL of Wrigley's Juicy Fruit gum!  I pulled out package after package of gum, while Pierce quickly calculated on his watch how many total pieces of gum we had (380).

What did we do with all this gum?  Why we took it outside to enjoy the final days of summer as a family, and chewed to our hearts' content.  Some of us even wore our never-to-be-removed Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle costume. 

That's his big happy face, with a marvelous Juicy Fruit strawberry bubble gum smile. 

Pierce decided to learn how to blow bubbles.  It took some practice, but hey, we had lots of gum for practice.  It turned out that Juicy Fruit was the perfect gum for bubble blowing.  After a couple of pieces, Pierce had it down.  He said, "Mom, this is the best gum for learning to blow bubbles EVER!"

Sitting on the porch swing, practicing their bubbles.  It turned out that Juicy Fruit offered a great brotherly bonding experience.  The twins haven't gotten their bubble blowing down quite yet, but they keep trying, while Pierce encourages them. 

Meanwhile, Paul headed off to mow the yard with a piece of Juicy Fruit bubble gum himself.  Later, he reported to me that this was the best bubble blowing gum he'd had since he was a kid.  He reported that he was blowing huge bubbles while mowing the acreage, and it made the time more fun. 

My favorite was the sugar-free Fruity Chews strawberry (just introduced last month).  It has great flavor, and good longevity.  Now the only question that remains long does it take for 3 little boys to go through 380 pieces of Juicy Fruit gum?
Readers, are you gum chewers too?  Would you like to try Wrigley's Juicy Fruit?


Sunnybrook Farm said...

I really liked it when I was a kid but it was only chewing gum then, no bubbles were possible. I remember all the guys hanging out blowing bubbles with that bubblegum that we had then and one brand had comics on the wrapper.

Anonymous said...

My husband loves gum. I was raised not too. It is a long story. JDaniel like it.

Out on the prairie said...

May go looking for some. Does it stick to your face when the bubble bursts. They have a bubble contest at our fair.

Alica said...

I'll bet it tastes great! I remember learning to blow bubbles with Hubba Bubba Bubble Gum.

Montanagirl said...

I don't chew much gum anymore, but I'll bet you and your boys are having a last with their bubble blowing!

TexWisGirl said...

oh, finally sugar free juicy fruit! awesome!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Do I like chewing guim? I LOVE chewing gum! :-) I don't buy it much because I will chew my way through it in no time. I do keep some sugar free mint flavored in my purse to freshen my breath before an interview. Juicy Friut has always been a favorite.

mail4rosey said...

That's a good tip on the bubbles. I didn't even know Juicy Fruit could blow bubbles!

Sally said...

awww - how cute are they!

I had no idea that Juicy Fruit had come out with different flavors. That was my dad's favorite gum in fact I still have some packed away that I found after he passed.

Have a wonderful day with those sweet boys. I hope they're liking school!

Gail Dixon said...

I used to love Juicy Fruit as a child. Just wish the sugar lasted longer. Cute post!! I guess the 5 year wait was worth it. :)

Marie said...

when my mom visits, we chew bubble gum like teenagers! lol love the sugar free!
your boys could be in commercials! adorable!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Yeow, you got a lot of gum!!!! I didn't know Juicy Fruit makes so many kinds. It is really good gum, for sure. I always liked it. And here is my diet tip. When you get hungry, CHEW GUM!!! It keeps your mouth busy and you won't feel so hungry. I am going grocery shopping today and will check it out. By now, I think you and the boys can sell anything! The pictures are really adorable!! ALL of them! HEY, make a collage of them and hang it up!!!

Endah Murniyati said...

Your twins must be so happy to enjoying their first experience with the gum

Michelle said...

Not a gum chewer anymore. And, I confess, I have never like Juicy Fruit!

Linda said...

They are so so cute!

troutbirder said...

What fun! It's been a long time since.... I need to get some. :)

Michaele said...

Oh I cannot WAIT to try blowing bubbles and make mowing more fun! The photos are a delight! You are such a great mom!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Juicy Fruit was my favorite as a kid and I cannot even tell you when I last had a piece!...:)JP

Harry Flashman said...

No, I don't chew gum. Just the narcotic leaf "Kat."


Lin said...

We used to always get a pack of Juicyfruit gum when we were going on vacation--so that is what I associate with that flavor. I STILL buy Juicyfruit when I am flying somewhere!

I don't think the other flavors would work for me because of that. But I would still try them.

An Apel a Day said...

My boys have had it, but don't ask for it. They usually get some with Halloween, or Valentines candy.

Anonymous said...

I don't chew much gum, but I like my Juicy Fruit OLD SCHOOL. There's something about that taste...