Friday, December 19, 2014

Girls are Trouble

When I went in for the twins' kindergarten conference some weeks ago, I was surprised to learn that Reid's best friend was a little girl named Laila.  He had never mentioned her.  He had mentioned plenty of other friends, but never her.  Apparently the times Reid had gotten in to trouble at school, it involved this little girl.  The behavior cards are a complicated system of colors and numbers that would need a whole separate blog post to explain, but just know that the few times Reid was on yellow were Laila-related.  Somehow, when he was around her, he forgot to listen and follow directions.

I wasn't able to go on the twins' field trip this fall due to work, but I sent Paul with instructions to scope out Laila and tell me all about her.  He failed in his mission, and came back with no gossip for me. 

So we are still mystified about Laila.  All I know about her from Reid is that she has hair.  And eyes.  But we don't know what color.  Oh, and she likes Hello Kitty.  Now he hasn't told me - but I'm betting she likes Frozen too.

And every time Reid comes home with yellow on his behavior sheet and I ask him what happened?  Well, somehow, Laila is always involved too.

Girls.  They sure are trouble. 


Unknown said...

The best kind of trouble!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

oh, i wonder? will they have a Winter Party (i know it won't be called a Christmas party) you could go check her out? please keep us posted. you have me so so curious too.

that is too cute. i bet she is a real cutie. i think it is just precious. what a great reason to get in trouble. if i recall correctly ... & it has been years ... that is the reason i would get in trouble. darn boys. ha. ha!! would this be considered 1st love or 1st crush? ( :

Maggid said...

Oh yes . . it's like that in my class rooms, too . . .

I really like the way you tell it.

love & love,

Sunnybrook Farm said...

I know girls like that, almost got me married a couple times LOL.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Paul came back with no info? Men just aren't very good at these sorts of missions sometimes. I wonder if Laila is going home with behavior problems related to a mysterious boy named Reid? Such a sweet story, Lisa. With 3 boys, you and Paul will have to improve your spy skills. :-)

Steve Surratt said...

Ha ha, so funny....and true!

The Cranky said...

I wonder if Laila's mother has a blog...

Still, how could that angelic face be hiding a troublemaker? Nope, he's too cute for that!

Jenn Jilks said...

That's a hoot! My childcare provider's daughter, cute little blond, always got my son into trouble. He's now 29 years old, but it was the truth!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh my gosh...this made me giggle so much.
Yep, girls are trouble and Laila seems to be the ringleader!!

Out on the prairie said...

I can identify with this. When I was his age I too had a girl that I tried to really impress. Wait, they still leave me speechless at times.

TexWisGirl said...

and so it begins... :)

Linda said...

Let's hear it for the girls! Ha Ha! You are going to have more "girl talk" with three handsome guys! And possibly some crocodile tears about the girls from your boys. Brace yourself, Lisa! Hugs, Linda@Wetcreek Blog

Sally said...

How cute! No, Mom, he probably won't talk about her, but clearly she's his "girl". LOL

I remember when Hunter was in preK, we heard that she had kissed
Bryce Jay, and we're still not supposed to talk about it.

Kids are just so very funny, and sweet. Reid, like his brothers, absolutely precious. xoxo

Ginny Hartzler said...

WHO would have thought a girl would lead him astray??The mystery deepens! Ella once had a good friend who had bad habits, and she picked them up. But nothing like trouble. You could ask his teacher at the next conference. Let us know if you can, sounds like she has a few problems!

Don said...

Lisa, it all starts out so simple and easy, and BAM! Out of nowhere we guys are getting in trouble over little girls. And it goes on forever after that! (And we love it!)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

THAT is just too funny!!!...:)JP

Tweedles -- that's me said...

a mystery for sure,.....
we bet in time you will find out all about her!

mail4rosey said...

Hahha, they can definitely be trouble, especially if you have boys (the reverse is true too... boys can sure be trouble for girls). ;)

Bas. said...

Prima zo hoort het ook.

Harry Flashman said...

It's been that way since Helen of Troy and probably even further back. The face that launched a thousand ships!

Anonymous said...

"she has hair. and eyes." Too funny! Don't you enjoy learning your kid is peas in a pod with another?

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Olá Lisa; votos de Boas Festas....

Michaele said...

Well it's nice to know she has hair and eyes. He is probably really enjoying school. He will also never forget her.

Starry Dawn said...

Dear Lisa,
What a mystery girl!...
One day, you will find out about her.
I visit you this day to wish you,
your dear children, husband, family,
friends and beloved ones,
Have a blessed time with those you love, my friend!
Thank you so much for all your wonderful comments you have written in my posts throughout these years!
You are a super friend too...
All the Best,
Poet Starry.

Linda said...

♫ ♬ Layla, you've got me on my knees.
Layla, I'm begging, darling please.
Layla, darling won't you ease my worried mind?

An Apel a Day said...

That's so funny!

Mica's had a crush on 4 girls throughout his preschool/elementary years. He's never thought that girls have cooties. Isaak is friends with a few girls, but won't admit he likes them. One says she'll play with him, and runs the other way. Isaak takes it hard. She's a flirt.

Annette said...

Love it!! Lewie has several girls at school that won't stop hugging and kissing him. They certainly can be trouble :)

Anonymous said...

The girl who lives across the street is in my son's class. He rarely ever talk about her.