Monday, December 22, 2014


Our boys love to ride bikes.  Constantly someone is asking to go out and ride bikes.  Often, bike helmets are strewn around the house.
Recently we got a nice, mild day, and we took the boys to Waid Park.  Reid decided he wanted to spend his time on the playground.  Pierce and Cort decided to bike ride.

Aren't they cute?  I love seeing them active and outside - regardless of the season.  That's one of the nice things about living in Virginia.  It isn't usually so bitter in the winter that we have to stay indoors for long periods of time.  We have a lot of ups and downs in the weather. 

Readers, have you been able to get any fresh air lately?


Steve Surratt said...

We've been lucky with far....Last year it did not start dropping the snow until after Jan 17th. Hope this year is better.

Monkeywrangler said...

Yep! Went out with my sweetie yesterday for 26 mi on our recumbents. Pics are on his instagram acct.

Sally said...

I've always loved when children want to be outside, and your sweet boys look so happy. :)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

They are adorable! It's great that they love an activity that's so good for them and that they can continue as adults. Fresh air for me consists of walking from building to car. I am wearing a boot again, on my other foot. Possible stress fracture, mostly preventive. :-(

TexWisGirl said...

that last photo is priceless. :)

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Lisa I have had lots of fresh air lately there is no snow here in my part of Canada so outside working. Wish snow would come so I can snowshoe:) Love seeing your boys enjoying the outdoors. Hug B

Out on the prairie said...

A good family sport. I looked at a cable free bike I put on my wish list.4k slowed me some.

Bas. said...

Wat eenm mooi gezicht, ze kunnen er niet jong genoeg mee beginnen.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Yes, we have had good weather lately. But not yesterday and today, cold rain today. I like getting out to walk. I love both pictures, both front and back. The back one is a bit more artistic, but the one from the front lets me see their sweet faces.

Michaele said...

That is a really cute picture. Good idea on the bright orange jackets. I often wonder what it is like in Virginia.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hello, Hope you are having a wonderful December and will have a blessed Christmas… This is such a joyful time of year for so many—but it’s also the time when others experience a deep loneliness, and struggle during the holidays for many reasons. SO—today I ask you to stop what you are doing for a few minutes and say a prayer for someone you know who might be experiencing a hard time now… OR—better still, send them a card or give them a call. It will mean the world to them.

Yes, we do live in a perfect area of our country don't we? Being in the middle gives us all of the seasons --but we don't have the bitter winters that they have up north. Glad your kids enjoy biking and being active.

Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Sharon Wagner said...

Oh, yes. Many cold and foggy walks.

Lin said...

Oh, nice that you get the chance to get outside and work off some steam and energy. It's been raining here---no sun in the entire month of December. I think I'd settle for snow at this point. At least we'd get outside to shovel!

merry Christmas to all of you!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Those photos are precious!
Well we have had time when we could be walking outside,, but its a matter of disipline.. When we were kids it never mattered if it was cold outside,, we just wanted to be on our bikes,, hummm

Endah Murniyati said...

Your sons look so happy on their bikes. My son have been getting holiday from yesterday for about two weeks. He ask my husband to accompany him go biking everyday. But actually his new bike is too high for him, so he have to exercise more and more.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love seeing them out and enjoying the fresh air as well! Since our weather is nicer now, we tend to spend more time outside during winter.
Merry Christmas!

Willow said...

Being as its farm life around here , we always manage to get fresh air ~ even if its just doing the farm chores . I like that it gets me outside in most all weather ( well I usually like it lol)

Wishing wou and your beautiful family Happy Holidays!

Warm wishes,

Betty Manousos said...

loving your the shots of your precious boys!

merry christmas to you and yours!

An Apel a Day said...

It's been rainy here! :(

Bike riding does look like fun, and yes they look cute!

camp and cottage living said...

The boys are adorable and it's great that they prefer the outdoors to sitting in front of some machine!!
Merry Christmas to all of you!

mail4rosey said...

We had an early snow, but now I think it's so so so mild. And that's very unusual, but I'm loving it. :)

Annette said...

You're little guys look so adorable on bikes. What fun!! I do like the mild weather...even though I know my son is wishing for snow...

Anonymous said...

We have had mild weather here too.