Friday, January 16, 2015

Ready to Foster

I don't foster animals all year round, but usually wait until the spring when the shelters become overrun with kittens and desperately need the help.  I did volunteer to take in a pregnant dog from a hoarder case over the holidays, but by the time I talked myself into it, she had already found a placement. 

Every time I've fostered, I've taken very young, sick kittens.  They usually have stomach issues.  Eye problems.  Fleas.  They take a little work to get straight.

But once they're healthy, we have fun with them.  I have always had to borrow a big cage, and have never been happy with the cages I've borrowed.  I wanted a cage with tiers, so the kittens could climb and have fun.  They never have tiered cages for borrowing.  The one level cages make even me feel a little stir crazy.

So over Christmas, I treated myself to a present, using money I'd earned from blogging this year. 

After Christmas, when Target had their Christmas stuff marked 90% off, I also picked up a bunch of cat toys.  I don't think the kittens will mind a bit if they are off season. 

Looking forward to having some little fuzzies in our home in a few months.

Readers, do you ever buy yourself a Christmas gift?


Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh that is a nice place to keep the kitties. The fact that you foster does not surprise me at all you have a very big heart my friend. Hug B

The Cranky said...

What a caring gift to get 'yourself'! I do get myself an occasional Christmas gift; the last one was a new set of dishes for us, lol.

Out on the prairie said...

I forgot to get myself anything. I used the Good Samaritan button at Walmart twice for people that had toys on layaway.

Sally said...

That's awesome, Lisa!

You have such a kind heart.


Busy Bee Suz said...

Well, I'd say you've treated the kittens to a lovely gift: A nice safe place and hope for their future! Bravo to you are awesome.

TexWisGirl said...

flat-out awesome! i know your boarders will be thrilled! :)

21 Wits said...

Enjoy, it's going to be a wonderful time to experience!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

The kitties will have such fun! Your treat to yourself will end up being such a gift to them. :-)

A gift to myself is usually a book.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Aww, you are so sweet and unselfless. This is a great cage. And also toys, the kittens will be so happy. I'm thinking it must be better than the cramped quarters of The Shelter. Maybe you will show us your next letter of kittens!?

Marie said...

this is so great! such wonderful experience for your boys.
I just met a lady that runs a dog rescue here in Cary. she had posted info on a lost dog and I contacted her trying to help. they found the dog. :) anyway I'm looking forward to helping them. :)

Target does have some great clearance deals!

Bas. said...

Prachtig om zo open te staan voor deze probleengevallen.

Mary said...

I think the kitties will never want to leave -sounds like you will give them such a good life as they grow strong and healthy. Will look forward to seeing all the little cuties rescued and being loved - you are very caring to do this Lisa. I admire anyone who saves/cares for animals whether they are wild or domestic.

Mary -

Anonymous said...

I bet the kitties are going to love it!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That looks like the perfect cage for kittens. I've never fostered any pets.
I do usually have a list of gifts I would like to have. Years ago when I shopped for Christmas presents and I found something really nice I would sometimes buy one for me too. I don't do that anymore, I have too much already and need to downsize.
Have a nice weekend.

Harry Flashman said...

You and my daughter must be related at some level in the distant past. You are the only people I know who rescue animals from horse size to kittens. I tend to specialize in ferret rescues but any dog or cat who can find our dwelling out in the woods is welcome to join us.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We cannot wait to hear more.

Lin said...

What a GREAT thing to get! I hope to foster kitties some day too. Our plan is to foster instead of having kitties of our own, so we can travel and do stuff without having to worry about pets at home. But I can't bear not to have a kitty here, so fostering would be a great option.

Can't wait to see the first inhabitants!

Michaele said...

That is purrfect! And that gift will keep on giving!

Montanagirl said...

You have a very big heart, and I admire you for it.

Linda said...

Oh, that is so sweet! I'm glad you are doing this.

Eat To Live said...

You put me to shame. I haven't ever fostered any animals.

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Lisa,
Oh! I did not know that you fostered kittens before. That is lovely!
Maybe, I'll buy something like that.
It's really great to know you are a kitten's mom, since I personally fostered many kittens too, puppies, and other animals in my lifetime.
Last time, I fostered 5 kittens.
Finally, I adopted them all...
It was a lot of work...
I gave them names too, and kept them for their entire lives. Now, I've got only 3, Sonya, Little Bear & Baylee.
But, from the old bunch of kittens, I still have 2. At this point, they are 13 year-old siblings. I have them since they were 15 days old. I bottled fed and cared for them at that time, until they were ready to eat by themselves.
Well, Lisa, I've stopped by to say hi.
Have a blessed time with loved ones!
Hope, Peace & Love,

Rob-bear said...

Well, there are dog people, and there are cat people, and I'm a dog person. So is my wife, but she is allergic to cats.

Buy my own Christmas present? Yes, if there is something I really want.

Just out of hibernation briefly. Hope your "cat house" is thrilling in the spring. Blessings and Bear hugs, Lisa!

mail4rosey said...

I like the tiered cage better too. I didn't even know they made cages for cats, lol. I'm so behind the times. ;)

An Apel a Day said...

I bought some clothes. They were a great deal. I haven't gotten the package yet. Hummm...I wonder where it's at? I almost forgot about it.

Jenn Jilks said...

What a good person you are! We took in a cat found in a barn and now have 5 cats. My pressie was a Trailcam!

Unknown said...

You have a generous heart with these cats, Lisa which is very nice. My present was a desktop solid resin model of a Continental Airlines A300. I'm no longer even into this hobby. But that's the truthful answer. I enjoyed the gifts I gave far more! :)

Gingi said...

My husband and I used to foster kittens when we first got together.. but after adopting five of them, we decided it was a dangerous hobby / charity to indulge in! Hehe.. Bless you for having such a sweet and open heart!! -