Friday, July 10, 2015

The Pier at Surfside

While staying at Topsail Island, NC, we decided to walk the pier one evening.  It cost Paul and I a couple of bucks, but the boys were free.

Even though this sign had seen better days, the boys insisted on being photographed in it. 

Getting ready to start the long walk across the pier.  Piers are kind of creepy.  They always seem rickety with wobbly boards.

The boys check out the spot with the biggest waves.  Cort and Reid look so sweet in this moment.  Two seconds later they were having a big fight over something.

Lots of folks were out fishing this evening.  We saw a few people catch fish.  No sharks, from what we saw.

The surfers did not seem phased a bit by the recent shark attacks on the NC shores.  Guess surfers are invincible.

As we returned to the car, the sun was setting behind the island.  It was a beautiful end to our day.

Readers, have you had any beautiful endings lately?


The Cranky said...

What a lovely place; the sunset is gorgeous!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

What a pretty place, Lisa. The boys look like they are really enjoying the adventure.

Anonymous said...

Your pictures are gorgeous! What a great time you had on the pier.

Jeanne said...

I always just love seeing the shots of your boys and these are so cute! What a fun family trip this looks to be. Hard to believe the surfers just in the water oblivious to the recent attacks. Beautiful shots! Your blog posts will be treasures to you as your boys continue to grow

Out on the prairie said...

Tuesday I was on a shoot as the sun set. Love the photos.I can't say I would give up the waves, they looked perfect.

Harry Flashman said...

No beautiful endings lately but I sure loved your pictures. So many good memories of Top Sail Island.

TexWisGirl said...

your boys are so darn cute. :) and i'm sure, maddening at times. :)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

These are lovely pictures! Your boys are precious and seem to have such a zest for new experiences.

I feel such a need to look out on the ocean. It's been too long.

An Apel a Day said...

It looks like a wonderful evening! I love the photos of your boys in the crazy photo booth signs.

Montanagirl said...

Gorgeous sunset! And what a fun place to visit!! Your boys are so cute.

Sally said...

The boys look, as always, so so cute! :)

The sunset - gorgeous.


Debby@Just Breathe said...

Those pictures of the boys are so cute and it looks like a lovely place to visit. Have a nice weekend!

Lin said...


I think I see two Christmas card photos in that bunch! Those are really adorable photos of your boys.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Good times! Adorable photos of the boys!

Linda said...

Looks like they know how to have fun!

Unknown said...

Lisa: Your posts with the boys having fun reveal how close they are, and what a great team they make for exploring new places with so much enthisiasm. We all need reminders such as these that life holds so much joy! I agree with you about the surfers. What a nice place to visit!

Eat To Live said...

Sounds like you had a great little vacation.

Michelle said...

Looks like you all made some good memories!

Anonymous said...

I wish you a wonderful new week

Annette said...

What a beautiful sunset. I never thought of piers being creepy before (lol), but I suppose it is a little spooky to think about "sharks" underneath... Yes, surfers are invincible I guess... I love your humor!

Busy Bee Suz said...

How lovely...well, aside from the bickering. That happens. I love those old fashioned cut outs just begging for some photos. An amazing sunset!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

It looks like you had so much fun! I love the last picture!