Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Space Ship Has Landed

It's a bird!  It's a plane!  It's a....
compost bin?

For Father's Day this year we got Paul this extraterrestrial ecomposter.
We used to have a compost bin that Paul built.
Then it fell apart.
So we were overdue for a new one.
Ratings on this were slightly negative because it was a real pita to put together.
But I knew the family handyman couldn't be thwarted by assembly.
Sure enough, it took a little time but he had no trouble constructing our ecomposter.
Now I figure next time Pierce throws a tantrum I can just beam him up through our backyard compost bin.


Anonymous said...

Very funny! I've never seen anything like it, but it sure looks interesting! Going Green in a new kind of way!

Anonymous said...

The thing that made this such a pain to put together is you have hundreds of little pieces you have to push together with your thumbs and by the end of it your thumbs are black and blue. But what made it fun was getting Pierce involved in putting together the stuff he could handle.

The nice thing about this E composter is it rolls on its stand so it's super easy to turn the stuff inside. It has two sizes of doors on both sides of the ball (so four doors total) for easy loading and unloading, definitely overkill but appreciative to have. It also doubles as a Paul Bunyan sized bowling ball or a manly man's yoga ball.

Anonymous said...

This really looks like the Death Star. Thanks for stopping by.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

When I opened up the post, I wondered if I was in another time zone! It is rather interesting. And there goes the neighborhood! Keep it around the back of the house, like the pool! FDTR (friend down the road)

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

When I first saw the picture, I wasn't sure if it was a space ship or cannon ball! I'm glad it's finally put together so you can put it to good use.

warren said...

SWEET! My birthday is only a few months away and a black one would look good in my yard...

Jessica said...

How fancy!!

My Mad World said...

How interesting.. Glad it wasn't too hard for your hubby to put together.

When I first saw it I was thinking it was some kind of weird smoker or something like that. lol