Sunday, July 17, 2011

Walking in the Woods on a Sunny Day

Every so often I like to blog about our adventures walking down the old logging road that runs along the base of the mountains, across our property.  Last year I had the twins in the stroller for our walks, but this year they are big boys and can walk along.
I love these little Life is Good rompers that a friend passed along to us, but they seem to be a little big for my skinny boys' necks! 

Pierce and Reid liked to run ahead, while Cort hung back, stopping to pick up and examine each and every stick he found. 

We made it to the end, just barely.
Scooter, our border collie, is always right with us.

Doesn't this look like something that belongs in a rainforest, not Virginia? 

On the walk back I found a millipede. 

Pierce had a grand time letting it crawl all up his arm, and even on his neck.
He laughed, saying it tickled.  Reid watched in fascination. 

But then Reid found a really great rock.  I know it was a really great rock, because he carried it around for about 2 hours. 

A little time running around in the back of the farm truck, burning off the last of the energy before lunchtime. 


Regina said...

What an enchanting place for the kids! They are precious (lol)-must of been a terrific rock! You have your sweet dog along too. I wasn't able to have a dog when my boys were small- only later.
Great series:)

Anonymous said...

I was all "aww, how cute" and then that bug totally creeped me out! ick! lol

Samantha said...

That is one huge honkin' millipede! How amazing!

Looks like a wonderful walk :)

Nancy said...

Love how the rompers are hanging off the twins. Haha! Too cute. And there is no way in hell I'd pick up that millipede. Yuck!

TexWisGirl said...

oh your boys are adorable. what adventures they have with you there!

Melodie said...

What a great day! Walking in the woods with little ones always seems like a magical adventure,they always seem to discover so much!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

What a great way to spend time with your family!

Michelle said...

Nice to see your boys running around in the woods. A favorite activity of my boy.

Anonymous said...

Nice idea for a sunny idea, shady trees!

We *try* a nature walk once a week. Nature walk = a list of things JBird has to find while walking. Could be a "bird" "leaf" "rock" she loves trying to find things as we go.

Chris said...

Lisa, I'm exhausted just looking at the pictures of your boys running around.

I don't think I'd be able to keep up with them these days burning off all that energy.

Sally said...

I love reading and seeing pics of the adventures with your little cutie's. :)

Jill said...

What a wonderful place to walk! Your boys are so cute and they will remember your walks forever.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Lisa, Thanks for coming to my blog. I hope you return often. I am enjoying yours --especially since I raised 3 boys too!!!! (No Pink in our home either!!!!)

My 3 boys are now 48,41 and 40... YIPES... Where has time gone? I have 5 grands now too!!!

You are living in heaven if you are in the Blue Ridge Mtns. We took a trip up that way last year --and loved it...

Adorable pictures of those sweet little boys...My best friend has twin grandsons.. They are about 2.5 yrs. now.

Come back to my blog anytime.

Valerie Boersma said...

You live in the most perfect and beautiful place Lisa,(and you have those chickens to boot!)

Looks like a fun outing!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the fern-like leaves!! Oh, the millipede, I think it might have freaked me out, but maybe not as bad as a centipede...

Jen said...

What an awesome place to walk and explore. The picture of the millipede crawling on you gave me the willies though...I'm not really a big fan of bugs ;)

Lex the mom said...

What a wonderful place to be near. Those leaves certainly do look like they should be in a rainforest.

I don't know how my kids may have reacted to the millipede. I might be a little weirded out, but I never saw one (or touched one) so I don't know how I might react. It looks pretty cool, though.

I love that the romper is too big in the neck - it makes him look more rugged & outdoorsy. Adorable!

Looks like so much fun!!

Anonymous said...

The boys are so cute! They will remember the walks they took with Mom for their entire life...what great memories for them (and you)!

(I can't believe y'all let the millipede crawl on you! Brave!)

Anonymous said...

JDaniel would have loved to search for rocks. What a great walk about!

Texan said...

Looks like everyone had a really fun time! I am thinking I would have passed on holding the millipede LOL, they kinda creep me out.

Alica said...

What a great place to's fun to see kids having fun in the great outdoors! The farm truck makes me feel right at home too! Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting us share in your fun walk with the boys. I can just see Pierce giggle as the millipede tickles his neck. It must be fun to watch the twins personalities develop as Cort has to take his time and examine everything and Reid gets attached to the perfect rock. These are precious days. I am so happy you are capturing them all on your blog. Carol

Reena said...

Such a beautiful place to walk ... especially like the two little ones walking down the path

Unknown said...

I wont lie, that millepede is freaking me out. But, I love that your child found a special rock. Oh for the days of finding contentment and pleasure in rocks! Now I just usually curse them as I step/stub my toes on them.

Andrea said...

Looks fun, but a millipede? Ew! ;) I'm such a city girl.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Curiosity is a good thing; so glad everyone had such a great walk.

Angela said...

That looks like great fun! Beautiful trail and scenery! Your boys are just completely adorable! I hope they tired out enough that they took a good long nap after that walk! hehehe

Have a Great Day!

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

Your boys are adorable! It's wonderful that they can get out and explore and even play with millipedes.

Unknown said...

looks like a little boys dreamland! so much fun to just take your time and let boys be boys and pick up rocks & play with bugs. :)

Ramlan Tjong said...

Wow nice adventure for kids

w said...

i love your land. and all the pictures you take. except not the millipede. that thing grosses me out. i want to squish it. or at least feed it to elvis.

Chatty Crone said...

Your boys as usual are just precious - not so much the caterpillar.

Rambling said...

What great memories your children will have.

Shell said...

That looks like such a fun day- except for the big bug!!!!

Misty said...

what a WONDERFUL time!!!! and i loved your asian tray today! super cute!!!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

I love the pictures-it looks like you had a nice walk with your boys!