Monday, January 9, 2012

A Beary Special Lunch - Muffin Tin Monday

It made me blush just a little to title this lunch 'beary special' but I couldn't resist, even if it is cheesy (literally). 
Pierce had a bear shaped cheese sandwich with mustard (his fav), a few teddy grahams, cherry tomatoes, grapes, a few m+ms and he also had some yogurt as well.
For more ideas to use muffin cups for lunches, visit Muffin Tin Mom


Jill said...

Cute and yummy! What more could a boy want? :)

E @ Act Fast Chef said...

So cute how the sandwich is cut into a bear shape to go along with the theme :)

Anonymous said...

This is beary wonderful! I love the bear sandwich!

Kasey @ Walking Redeemed said...

Where do you find all of them? Maybe it is just that I have never honestly looked, but I don't feel like I've ever seen adorable little muffin tins like what you picture. I LOVE this idea and would love to incorporate it for my little ones. :)

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Belo aspecto...Espectacular....

Sugary Flower said...

Looks like a yummy lunch!

Nancy said...

Loving the bear-y cute sammich. I should put one in my husband's lunch sometime. :)

Melodie said...

That is so cute!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...


Cuby said...

Such a lucky boy and it looks yummy too. I hope he enjoyed your efforts.:)

Valerie Boersma said...

Lisa-sometimes cheesy is a very good thing:) Happy Monday!

Karen said...

Your boys have a wonderful mom. This is such a nice idea... they will remember these things down the road for sure.

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

You are so unbelievably creative. I love reading these Monday posts!

Sharla said...

Great lunch and perfect with the title of your whole blog!

Liz Mays said...

I want that cutie pie sandwich!

Slamdunk said...

My kids would dig that. Well done Lisa.

Eat To Live said...

Love the bear sandwich. So cute. Pierce has good taste. I like teddy grahams too... I just can't eat them anymore.

TexWisGirl said...

too cute! worth the blush!

Meredith said...

Very Cute! I love how you put the m&ms in the cookie cutter!!

Helene said...

You always make the most creative lunches! I usually just take 2 pieces of bread and slap some PB & J on them and scream "Lunch time!" Maybe my kids would be more excited about lunch if I was more creative like you!!

camp and cottage living said...

You always make me wish my g'kids lived right next door so I could fix your cute lunches for them!
You must have so much fun dreaming them up.

Mary said...

I love it! No need to blush about the title. ;)

Have a great week friend!

kewkew said...

Sounds yummy. I love the baby teddy grahams around the big bear sandwich. I also love that you used a bear cookie cutter to put the M&Ms in. So cute.

jennohara said...


Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Now this is cute...bear sandwich said...

How cute is that? I wish I had lunch like that! Kids have it made these days.

Chatty Crone said...

Cheese with mustard - don't think I've ever tried it! sandie

Angela said...

Now that is beary cute! :)

Sagittarian said...

yum yum muffins!:) craving for them here now!:) lols..:) *hugs* thanks for sharing! :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm just back and catching up after a much longer than intended absence. I love your park pictures. And your Gilbert rooster is cracking me up!!!! I believe he had been the voice of the Aflack Duck and made some awful statement that got him fired. So the duck lost his voice during the new hiring process. Let's hope Gilbert doesn't move to Virginia!

Michaele said...

Darling! I like mustard on cheese sandwiches too : )

AudreyO said...

Your lunches are just so cute. I always smile reading about what you prepare.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Love the bear, Lisa... I'm sure that Pierce loved it too...Great lunch!!!!


Michelle said...

So cute! I have a huge moose cookie cutter. Maybe I could surprise my daughter....

Myya said...

Who cares about the cheese factor, this really is super adorable!

kewkew said...

Stopping back to let you know I tagged you

Texan said...

Now that is one cute lunch!

admin said...

Aww... I'm a beary kind of person. Worked at Build-a-Bear. Sorority alum invented Care Bears...
Bears are beary cool!

Love the muffin tin - thought it was chocolate.

GardenOfDaisies said...

I love the bear sandwich!!!

tipper said...

Blush or not its so cute : )

Jenny said...

How cute is that....

I bet Pierce loved his lunch that day!!!

Jen said...

This is awesome!! My favorite of your Muffin Tin Mondays yet! :)

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Cheesy and adorable! I love that the big bear has baby bears. I'm guessing all bears were devoured. :)

Jenny said...

So cute! Love that cookie cutter!

I bet that lunch 'bearly' lasted a minute!

Kim said...

Love that bear sandwich. If only deaglan would eat bread:(