Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Fitryo Total Bar - A Review

I love fitness gadgets.  It's always fun to try something new, to work out muscles in different ways, and to shake things up to prevent boredom and burnout.  I was really interested to try the new Total Bar by Fitryo - I'd never seen anything quite like it before.  It stands for Fitness, Training, Yoga. It's a long, very slender pole that is slightly weighted on the ends.  All together it weights about a pound and a half.  The weights on the ends allow you to vibrate the pole as you work different muscles, giving more frequent reps than you would get from using standard weight lifting equipment.  It arrived with a carrying case, a nutritional guide, a workout poster and a training brochure.  
 I tried the different poses by following the brochure and the poster.  In particular, I liked working the core.  I often get vertigo from doing crunches, but I had no problems from using the Fitryo Total Bar.  It works the entire core by forcing you to use stabilizing muscles, so it's a more gentle workout than crunches would be as well.
 This position works the triceps, as well as the quads from doing the lunge.

This one works the back.
You hold each pose for 30-60 seconds, while doing the small repetitions.

You can watch a video to get an idea of how it works:

I think this is a wonderful product for people who are looking to just get started with weights.  It may take some time to get used to how to perform the movements.  I had to mess with it a bit and watch the videos before I felt like I was using it correctly.
For those who already have an established weight routine, it offers a fun alternative.  I came up with a few exercises not in the book to offer a bigger challenge - such as doing the yoga boat pose while using the Total Bar.  After having three kids, I can use all the intense core work I can get! 

Disclaimer: I was provided with the Fitryo Total Bar to try out and write a review on my blog.  The opinions expressed are my own.


Sagittarian said...

Hi! that gadget was cool! Thanks for sharing Lisa, stay fit! *smile*

Jill said...

Lookin' good, Lisa!

E @ Act Fast Chef said...

Thanks for the review Lisa. I would love a good core workout too so I will look into this :)

Chris said...

I could use a workout regime. I'm very much in the 'before' catagory Lisa LOL.

It's late but Happy New Year!x

Anonymous said...

You look like a pro with it. I think it would be used as a light saber at my house.

andy said...

I'm hurting just reading this I think that would kill me. Good luck. Have a good day

Kasey @ Walking Redeemed said...

Anything to make core work more fun! I have transitioned into doing mostly standing core work as this last pregnancy has thrown my back out of whack and visits to the chiro have not yet fixed it completely. This looks like you could pretty easily alter the intensity and still get the benefit. It's those low ab muscles that really take a beating with pregnancy!

Kasey @ Walking Redeemed said...

By the way, thanks for the tips on where to find tins at a great price!

Eat To Live said...

Look at you go girl!! I have got to try some of your moves, especially the first one.

Nancy said...

Great review Lisa -- looks like something anyone could use, regardless of fitness level. :)

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

That looks like a great alternative to "having" to head out to the gym for weight training.

Jane said...

Good job,anything to add variety and incentive to workout ! And you look at home with it, again good job Lisa ! Blessings Jane

Jill said...

Lisa...I admire your posts on getting in shape. I have also been trying my best. Great review. Maybe Gilbert is just trying to keep you on schedule. Ha ha ha..

TexWisGirl said...

sounds interesting. about the only drawback i can see is the need for space - and no dogs trying to play tug-o-war with you... :)

Valerie Boersma said...

This looks like a great product Lisa! I'd love to know what you think of it after using it for a couple weeks, too.

Out on the prairie said...

My only worry would be the length and knocking something over.LOL

Ginny Hartzler said...

This interests me. I have torn rotator cuffs and knees that need surgery, so there's not much exercise I can do, but this may be something. I am not supposed to lift weights, but this is light, and maybe suitable also for overweight people like me!

Irish Italian Blessings said...

That looks like a pretty neat way to work out! Plus I can do it at home, which with two kiddos, is a must. You look super cute btw.

laughwithusblog said...

You certainly make it look fun and easy! I just started walking on the treadmill this week. I'm going really slow, but I feel better already!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Looks like a neat gadget, Lisa. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I need to get back into weights.
That gadget looks neat.

Jenny said...

Interesting gadget!

Maybe one day I will actually get to use some workout equipment...

LB @ Bullets And Biscuits said...

Nice review. I have to admit I've never seen or heard of the Fitryo before. I am usually on the look out for at home fitness things since I get bored so easy. I may have to try this one!

Unknown said...

You seem to do this with the greatest of ease...I can't begin too! Thanks for sharing...
Hope you have a great week! Hugs

Chatty Crone said...

You do look like a pro - you are getting so many wonderful things - your a lucky gal! sandie

camp and cottage living said...

I'm so impressed with your commitment to staying in shape!
I really need a dose of whatever it is that makes you so disiplined!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

I've never seen one of those before. I think that would be perfect for me to do at home. And I'm sure my kids would find a use for it too. :)

Betty Manousos said...

aw, lisa, looking good!
you do look a pro as well.

i'm afraid i'm not as disciplined as you are.
great job!


Sandy said...

Sounds interesting! You look great by the way.

Myya said...

Any mom can appreciate core workouts :)

Jenny said...

Wow. You look so fit and great!

Such an inspiration for 2012.

Kim said...

You do look great, nevermind that you have three young kids. I like gadgets if they are straightforward to use.