Friday, May 31, 2013

Ferdinand? Is that you?

It's Random Friday so I'm linking up with Nancy at A Rural Journal today. 

1.  When we were at Booker T. Washington a couple of weeks ago, I took this picture of a cow in the pasture.  When I saw all the wildflowers, I couldn't help think of Ferdinand the Bull.  We love that sweet children's book that promotes peace instead of fighting.

2.  Pierce asked me the other day, "Hey Mom, you know the nursery rhyme Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush?"  As a matter of fact, I do.  He said, "If it's a nursery rhyme, why doesn't it actually rhyme?"  What a deep thinker that kid is sometimes!

3.  Pierce came home from school the other day talking about a little girl that is frequently discussed between us, as she tends to get into a lot of trouble.  I've always encouraged Pierce to try to be nice to her, even if she isn't very likeable (she does do some quite terrible things), because it sounds like she has no friends and is always struggling.  Anyhow, he came home and said she is getting a new mom and dad.  From the sound of it, I thought she might be in foster care.  So we talked about that some, and after a lengthy discussion I wanted to reassure Pierce about our own family.  I said, "Aren't you glad that you don't have to ever worry about getting a new Mom and Dad?  You know you'll always have us."  Pierce grinned really big and said, "Yeah.  I think I'll keep you!".  It was so cute and sweet that my heart grew 3 sizes, just like the Grinch. 

4.  Lots of people don't like sushi, but I love it.  My favorite are the smoked salmon rolls, with cream cheese and avocado.  I pretty much like all of it, although eel isn't my favorite. 

5.  Our ice maker has been broken for like 3 years.  It doesn't bother me until the weather gets all steamy, and then it really stinks that we have no ice maker.  I tried some ice cube trays last year, but they never really worked that well for some reason.  This  year I bought some of those fake ice cubes.  Still, not quite the same as cubes you can chew on.  And yes, I know it's bad for my teeth.  Readers, do you like to chomp on some ice? 


Heather said...

LOVE the picture of the cow! Such a great shot! And we never seem to have ice in the house for anything. But, once the warm weather comes (it just arrived yesterday), I am looking for ice trays or something to freeze ice in...perhaps a trip to the store is in order :-)

Eat To Live said...

When we were kids, my Mom named our bull Ferdinand.

Sandra said...

Love the cow pic! I remember the story of Ferdinand. :) great story.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

before braces i did chomp on ice all the time ... but when you have braces it is near impossible so that ended that real fast. once in a blue moon these days i do ... but not that often.

i need to go & read that rhyme again - it has been years ... i need to see it & think on it .. curious now. ha. ha!! ( :

Cat said...

When our fridge broke last summer and there was a long wait list for repair due to the derecho, I found a system that worked as well as our ice maker. I used 4 ice cube trays and would dump the ice into a Tupperware bread loaf saver every morning and refill the trays. Keeping the open tub of ice in the freezer meant we just had to reach in and grab a handful of cubes when we wanted it. I still have the trays if you want them.

andy said...

Happy Friday Lisa ! Go buy a new ice cream maker ! You deserve it lol !

Vision By Mila said...

I don't like sushi, but eat salmon in other forms.. salmon soup is the best!

Lynn said...

OH NO I cannot chew ice, it hurts!
I love sushi, any sushi. Pierce is a wise little bunny, I hope you are keeping a little 'they said' journal.

born imaginative. said...

#3 made me smile.

And the darn ice maker has been broken here too. Grr.

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

1. Love the pic AND love Ferdinand!
2. Good point, Pierce! xo
3. As a mother to twins that are adopted from the foster care system, I feel for the little girl and appreciate your efforts to have your son see the good in this girl. She probably has seen more than her fair share of ugliness in the world at such a tender age that she don't know what to do with kindness when she sees it...yet.
4. Sushi...ick. ;)
5. LOVE real ice...CRUNCH!

Anne Payne said...

Great photo and you are raising a sweet boy!

Now I will tell you what I told my daughter...You know chewing ice is bad for your teeth. You'll wear down the enamel and break a tooth.

Has she broken a tooth? Yes. Did she stop chewing ice? No. But I have done my motherly duty :)

Monkeywrangler said...

1. Have you tried the silicone trays for ice cubes? They work well, but can be a problem loading into the freezer as they wobble when full of water.

2. I love sushi, and my favorite is the spicy Ahi, or the veggie roll ones. never tried the eel, but I do really like the spicy orange mayo-mustard sauce they use locally.

3. Yes I chew ice, but normally only when it is 'rotten' from being in a glass of tea for a long while.

Snap said...

I love to suck/chomp on ice. Love your shot of *Ferdinand*. When we went to Spain (years and years ago), I bought a stuffed Ferdinand -- too funny, but I still have him and the book. Sometimes it's nice to never grow up! :D Sounds like Pierce is a great kid and big thinker! I love sushi. Happy Random 5 day!

Nancy said...

That Pierce is quite the philosopher. So darn cute.

Love the shot of Ferdinand. I don't remember the story, but it sounds like a good one.

Not an ice-chomper. My teeth couldn't take it. :)

Anonymous said...

He so looks like Ferdinand!

TexWisGirl said...

no ice chewing for me, but i go through a ton of ice as i'm a big ice water drinker.

loved your 'grinch heart' moment. :)

Gail Dixon said...

Your third entry made me feel such compassion for the little girl. It's so good that you point out to your children why others may behave the way they do, and sounds like you were spot on about this youngster. I hope she receives much love and affection from her new family.

Mary said...

Pierce is an intelligent, compassionate boy! But of course, you know that. :)

And i love the smoked salmon sushi.. (and the literation when i say it.). Have never tried the eel.

Sally said...

Oh my, poor little girl. I hope she is now in a place where she'll be assured of her value in this life.

Pierce is a funny little dude; and I'm so glad he's gonna keep you and Paul. :)


mail4rosey said...

We have well water so we never have ice. I miss it in the summer.

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is a perfect cow shot if I ever saw one!! How sad about the little girl...but maybe things will be better for her now. Pierce is blessed that he has a mom that he can talk with anything about. Maybe if that poor little girl had one like you...

Valerie Boersma said...

I always loved Ferdinand the Bull too-glad he didn't want to fight:)

Amy has loved sushi since she was little. When we'd order it for her it always surprised everyone that a kid would like sushi.

And Pierce's comment made my heart grow three sizes too:)

Anonymous said...

I do love chomping on ice. I had to smile as you told about the girl getting in trouble at school. Reminded me of the short story "Charles" by Shirley Jackson.

Linda said...

Great picture! Love the stories about the kids.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

That bull smelling the flowers was one of my favorites! Yes, having foster parents is not as easy as it sounds so Pierce is blessed as are you because he wants to keep you! never tried fake ice & have no desire to, thanks anyway!...:)

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Love that photo of the cow! So cute! That Pierce really is a thinker. Sounds like he's a smart little guy :)

I like sushi, too! I usually just eat the veggie rolls though (cucumber and avocado are my favorite).

Grandma Bonnie said...

No sushi or ice crunching for me!
I feel bad to hear when children have such a trouble start in life. It's great you are teaching Pierce to try be nice even when some one is not so nice. That is a great lesson to learn.

GardenOfDaisies said...

I love Ferdinand! :-) Such a sweet book. I hope that the little girl gets placed with a wonderful new family that will love and cherish her. Such a sad thing for a child to go through. My daughter is a social worker and has to deal with some pretty ugly family situations. Seriously, there are people out there who really should not have children.

Jill said...

I don't chew it but I always have to have a lot of ice in my glass!

Love your photo and the story about Pierce keeping you just made my heart all warm and fuzzy!

Marie said...

adorable cow! I love ice for my sweet tea. :) yum!!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Your Pierce is such a sweet boy! You are teaching your boys such good values about how to treat others with kindness. I really admire that.

I like lots of ice in my drink or my drink has to be ice cold (e.g. my cans of Diet Pepsi), but I can't actually chew on ice--teeth too sensitive!

Willow said...

LOve Ferdinand ... but not Sushi.

Lin said...

I think school is a great opportunity to learn about different people a wide variety of issues. While there are folks who will trash-talk public schools, I have found that my kids have a wide perspective and knowledge on many social issues because of their interactions at school.

We have a few communities fed into our districts that include kids who are facing very serious issues--poverty, homelessness, hunger, and a lot of family situations that are far from mom/dad/child. What you son learned was a very important lesson--that some kids can't learn because they are too occupied wondering where they are gonna sleep that night or what they are gonna eat.

I know your son grew from that experience and hopefully he will learn to wait, watch and see what is going on with those kids who are struggling. Yep, you are right--they are the ones who need the most patience. You don't have to be their friend, per se, but you can show kindness to them and not add to their stress.

It's amazing to me what some of these kids have to endure at such a young age. Breaks my heart.

Latane Barton said...

I loved that book when I was growing up and that was at least a hundred years ago. Ferdinand has been around a long, long time.

Patrycja (photoopassion) said...

Great note. I wondered :)

+ Please visit our blogs. :)

"Everyone needs to dissolve the mean time, not only in words."

Unknown said...

I love the trust you instill in Pierce! What a great relationship! My ice dispenser is broken, but glad it still makes ice. I don't crunch on the cubes but my daughter certainly does!

Unknown said...

Lisa: That has to be the best answer I have heard. It is loving, yet capable of grasping for young minds.

An Apel a Day said...

I love when my kids think all deep like as well. Isaak hasn't hit that stage just yet. Mica was asking all about gravity. He was trying to figure out why we do not all walk sideways to go along with the shape of the earth.

That's too bad about that little girl who gets along with no one. :( It breaks my heart. Mica had one kid over this year that didn't play with anyone on the playground. His other friend said the shy boy couldn't play with them. That's when I asked if Mica wanted to have him over? He did. We didn't push it any more than that. You just never know how they are treated. One of my niece's friends got sick of people not liking him and killed himself. My niece was in shock! It just takes one supportive person to bring someone up in spirits.

Anonymous said...

That cow has such a pretty face--looks rather content in a field of flowers. Thanks for raising your little fella to be compassionate. No chomping of ice for me these days, I don't like seeing the dentist anymore than necessary! But I do appreciate the icemaker.

Anonymous said...

You have the sweetest boys!

Foster care children usually have issues, many times it comes out in the form of anger. That's so sad. :(

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I don't dislike sushi but I just haven't had it very often. Actually only maybe twice but the one you eat does sound yummy to me. That is so sad about that little girl. I'm glad Pierce is going to keep you. I like ice but I am not a chomper!