Monday, May 27, 2013

Foster Kitties

Last year when the shelters had an explosion of kittens and were asking for help from the community, we stepped forward and fostered a litter of four kittens.  It's that time of year again, where the shelters are desperate for help.  We have two foster kittens. They are from separate litters, but were on the same medications for coccidia and colitis, so we have been able to keep them together.

The white kitten with brown spots came to us at the age of 3 weeks with the name of Miller.  The gray long haired kitten is 5 weeks and came with the name Oyster.

They both had colitis, coccidia, and Miller also had an eye infection.  Poor Miller was on 6 different medications at one point!  They are doing much better now, thankfully.  We plan to spoil them rotten for the next couple of weeks until they are old enough to receive their vaccines and go find their forever families.

Readers, have you ever stepped in for an animal that needed help?


Anonymous said...

Bless you all for helping these sweet kittens! You are teaching your sons a wonderful lesson. I know these two cuties will be loving companions for some family soon.

Eat To Live said...

What cute little kitties. When I used to live in the country, I would get cats and dogs dropped off all the time. I would try to take care of them but there comes a point when you can't take any more animals.

Anonymous said...

I bet those kittens are feeling all the love. It sounds like they were very sick.

Anonymous said...

Sooo cute! Bet the boys are loving this time with the kitties.. so sweet!

Sandra said...

Awww, what sweet kittens, but then all kittens are sweet :)
Living in the country we have gotten a lot of drop offs. We have found homes for some of them.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

You are a kind soul, Lisa.

andy said...

That's great pictures !!! Hope you had a great weekend

Sharon Wagner said...

OMG. So cute. I remember my own sick kittens when we got them. Akua would literally shake the medicine out of his mouth by swinging his head back and forth. Ugh.

LisaS said...

They are sooooooooo cute! I bet it will be hard to give them up when the time comes....

We have taken in little wild ones a baby squirrel and quail on occassion - with good results.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Awww, too cute! So nice of you to take care of them until they can find forever homes. I've never fostered any animals, but I have adopted a cat and dog and claimed a stray in the neighborhood (Sylvester) :)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Too sweet! You and your family are so kind and good to take in these kittens. You're giving them such a good start in life. And your boys are learning such important lessons.

Chase Bird showed up in our yard, then at our door. He even jumped in my car one time! We tried to find his home, to no avail. We already had 3 cats at that time and weren't looking to add, but we couldnt' say no to him. We took him in, and he has been a light in our lives.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Sweet little kittens, Lisa. You are teaching your sons about caring for others --even tiny little animals. That is GOOD.

Happy Memorial Day.

TexWisGirl said...

bless you!

Yolanda Ronaldo said...

Haha I love it!! Oyster looks SO much like one of the kittens from our litter that we sold... Its almost like seeing her again! My grandma has always loved cats so she loves fostering kitties :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is so sweet and kind of you to help those precious babies. They are so darn cute. Hope they live long full lives. ((HUGS))

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Excelentes fotografias que retrata o amor de uma criança pelos belos gatos....

Ginny Hartzler said...

Love Love Love the last picture!!!! How do you know if a cat has colitis? I didn't know animals got it. BRAVO to you!!!! They are so cute! Yes, we stepped up and saved three cats last year, and it has been wild here ever since.

Grandma Bonnie said...

They are so cute. You are so wonderful taking them in and helping them out.
I take in lots of strays. At one point the neighbors called me cat lady. Now its not so bad. Seems like less strays in our neighborhood.
Hope you have a great day.

Unknown said...

Aw wow, they are so cute :)

Chatty Crone said...

Don't you need some kittens? They are so cute. sandie

Jill said...

They are so sweet! You are an angel to help them out. I'd never be able to give them back, I'm afraid.

Lin said...

I would LOVE to take in kittens and foster them someday. My mom volunteers at a local shelter and is so proud when she can set up a dog or cat with a new home. It's win/win for everyone.

Enjoy your kitties! We always get ours from a local shelter, so we really appreciate the time the foster families give to those kitties to make sure they are nice pets when we take them home.

Linda said...

Oh, they are so cute! And you are teaching compassion to your chlldren. I wish everyone did.

Rob-bear said...

When I was younger (pre-university), we rescued and raised some birds. I don't know what became of them, but we did our best to give them a wining start in life.

Blessings and Bear hugs!
Bears Noting
Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

Liz Mays said...

You have a sweet and tender heart!

Nancy said...

Aww -- bless you Lisa. I would foster kittens, but with 3 indoor cats, I would be afraid they kitties would infect the older cats.

Valerie Boersma said...

I agree with Liz! It makes me so sad to think of all the animals in this world that need help, and are scared and hurting and alone. I'm glad these two cuties found you guys:)

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

That is wonderful that you do that! I hope they are able to find homes quickly!

Anonymous said...

OH THE CUTENESS OVERLOAD! You are so sweet to take them in.

Marie said...

This will be so rewarding. :) you're so sweet to help out. They always need volunteers and donations. :)

Julie Hargreaves said...

Beautiful kittens

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Awwwww...forever families...I like that!...:)JP