Monday, April 21, 2014

Crazy Spaghetti Recipe

When I stumbled upon the Crazy Spaghetti recipe in my Baylor cookbook, I thought I needed to try it.  Because what kid wouldn't like a dish called Crazy Spaghetti?

1 pound ground meat (turkey would be fine)
1 large onion, chopped
1 (5 ounce) bottle of soy sauce
1 medium head of cabbage, shredded
1 (4 ounce) can of mushrooms (I used fresh)
1 (16 ounce) can bean sprouts (drained)
1 (8 ounce) can water chestnuts (drained)
1 (16 ounce) package spaghetti, cooked and drained

Brown meat with onion in large skillet.  Drain fat.  Pour 1/2 bottle of soy sauce over meat.  Add cabbage, cover and simmer 5 minutes.  Add mushroom, bean sprouts, water chestnuts, and remaining soy sauce.  Cover and simmer 3 minutes longer.  Add cooked spaghetti.  Cover and cook over low until heated through.

Indeed, we all enjoyed this recipe.  Next time I make it, I'll be using ramen noodles instead of spaghetti.  I think it'll give it a better Asian style.


Kerri Farley said...

Looks Yummy!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

This is something that I would love but sad to say, my daughter will not eat spaghetti it is like garlic to a vampire with her. At least that is how she reacts when the word is spoken.

Roan said...

Sounds like a keeper. I think Hubby would like this.

Lynn said...

looks delicious and I was thinking the same thing ramen noodles would work well with this :-)

Rob-bear said...

I do not believe there is such a thing as "crazy" spaghetti sauce. There is only "creative" spaghetti sauce.

I have your recipe. I'll try it then next time I prepare noodles.

Blessings and Bear hugs!

LisaS said...

Looks good! The Taken sound like a good option too. Also, love those yellow sunglasses in the previous post. What a cute kid!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Glad it was a hit at your house... I'm not crazy about soy sauce---even a tiny bit. SO--think I'll pass on that one... ha

I am struggling today with a stinkin' ole cold (or allergy or something???) --and feel pretty miserable. Maybe I need that SOY SAUCE... ha


Montanagirl said...

Looks great - I think I would like this!

Endah Murniyati said...

Crazy yummy.... thanks for sharing

Sally said...

I'm going to try this! Looks so good, and yeah what kid doesn't like spaghetti! :)


Out on the prairie said...

more of a lo mein, I make it a lot.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

That really is a different way to make the sauce. I like the idea of adding cabbage. And Larry would love the soy sauce.

Sharon Wagner said...

I can't imagine life without noodles!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

This sounds delicious.....can't wait to try it!

Gail Dixon said...

This I'm going to have to try! My husband and I love spaghetti. Thanks!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Hmmmm something that maybe the Pres would eat????...:)JP

Unknown said...

Lisa: I just happened to read this before I left home to go workout! What a great statement you make. No kid I know of could resist the idea of "crazy spaghetti". Food that's fun! :)

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Oh it looks sooo yummy!

Grandma Bonnie said...

Looks very tasty. I will have to give it a try.

Harry Flashman said...

That sure looks good. I look at the postings some of the ladies do, like you and Kymber, and it makes me hungry. Then I go make a sandwich......

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Lisa,
Your pasta looks nice.
I love pasta. I cook it the
way my dear Italian mom told me.
Happy Easter to you, your boys,
your family and beloved ones!
Have a happy Spring Season, Lisa
with all your loved ones!

Anonymous said...

This really sounds good!

mail4rosey said...

You had me at the cool name. :)

Karen said...

WOW, I like it! Thanks for sharing. I wish I could talk my family into mushrooms though, I love them.

Michaele said...

It does look good but when I was a kid I wouldn't have touched it. Glad your boys aren't picky eaters.

Linda said...

Sounds tasty!

An Apel a Day said...

That does sound like a fun thing to try.

Jenn Jilks said...

I admire someone who takes risks. I tend to do this kind of cooking, too!

Chatty Crone said...

Your children will eat that - you are a better mom then i am grandma! I could never get Andy to eat that. Looks good to me though.

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

this looks awesome! I'm making it tomorrow night! Thank you!