Friday, November 7, 2014

Little Happies

Don't you love those little moments in life that bring you small happinesses?  I have long loved the photos that Gail takes on her blog Louisiana Belle.  Recently she mentioned turning some of them into notecards.  I wanted to buy some, but she insisted on sending me a sampling for free.  Aren't they gorgeous? 
Pierce and I will be putting these to good use in our letter writings. Louisiana Belle really captures some amazing shots.  Especially her birds!  Thanks, Gail!

While I cannot begin to touch Louisiana Belle's photographing talents, I did recently catch a shot downtown that I really like, looking out towards the farmer's market in Roanoke.  A picture that brought me a little happy.

What about you, readers?  What small thing has brought you happiness lately?


Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Gail is an amazingly talented photographer sharing her work with others that is just who she is I love that.
Your shot is so pretty Lisa. Hug B

Steve Surratt said...

My feet, although not small, are happy, so that makes me happy :-)

Monkeywrangler said...

Happy moments with our dogs. That always makes me smile.

The Cranky said...

Gail is a treasure, and has such a gift! Having said that, I really enjoyed your photograph as well. =)

My happy? Reading. Reading is always a happy.

Out on the prairie said...

A fresh donut

Cat said...

Your Roanoke picture would make a great notecard!

Lin said...

Oh, those are GREAT photos! And yours as well.

Happy is elusive for me lately. I've been bogged down by work stuff so I have to make it a point to turn off the negative and work on positive. Thanks for the reminder this morning--I'm gonna focus on positive and happy today!

TexWisGirl said...

gail is an amazing photographer and a very sweet, sweet soul! :)

love that fountain shot. beautifully done!

Sally said...

Sweet of your friend to send the note cards!

I completely understand about the photo you took, Lisa. It makes me happy also, and you did a wonderful job.

Wishing you and the family a happy weekend. :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your picture is really artistic! The way the fountain is on the left, and very up front, then the long row of smaller green awnings. It also gives a sense of space, almost like 3-D. Her cards are so pretty! I am checking now to see if she is the Gail that I know.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Spending the day with Mia!!...:)JP

Michelle said...

I agree, Gail is so talented.

mail4rosey said...

I like her pictures and your picture. :)

I hung the kids school projects on the front door this morning. Seeing their surprised/happy looks (usually we put in on the 'fridge) made me happy. Esp. the teen who was deliberately trying to hide her happy. ;)

troutbirder said...

yes very talented. My spouse also makes notecard from here photography and often donates them to our local library for their fundraisers...:)

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

She definitely does have a good eye- her photos are always wonderful. I like yours too- the water drops against that red old buildings. My happy today? Lunch with my sister- she ate while I talked and I ate while she talked. :)

Endah Murniyati said...

Take a picture on the old town is so interesting. It must be there are so many pleasure there.

Chatty Crone said...

I like jokes from friends.

Harry Flashman said...

I like the pictures.

I suppose my small happiness would be that I finally caught my son at home last night and got to talk to him on the phone.

Willow said...

Simple pleasure do fill my heart the most. We had a snow fall last Sunday while the flowers were still blooming and just seeing some of the flowers determined to still open their petals was amazing .

Rob-bear said...

Quite delightful picture from Gail. And you!

I like pictures from different places. And good jokes.

Blessings and Bear hugs!

Gail Dixon said...

Lisa, I am so honored that you wrote this. I'm also happy that there are people still love old-fashioned note writing. It was my pleasure to send these to you. Have a great weekend!

Gail Dixon said...

Forgot to add that I love your shot of the fountain. It would also make a beautiful card!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Gail's photography is stunning, and she's a sweet lady. Your photo is great, too. I like the row of buildings set off by the fountain--very nice. My little happy? Larry got me Kathy Reichs' newest book. :-)

Linda said...

Such a good question; it's important to appreciate what made us happy. We drove through a charming town (Little Washington) and went to an art gallery. I even bought a framed landscape in pastels.

Vision By Mila said...

I love the doggy one, so cute!

Michaele said...

Your photo is notecard worthy also !

Unknown said...

Keep up the good work! come follow me!

My blog: Make It Up or Funny!

Tanya Breese said...

what beautiful notecards, how sweet! and your fountain shot is really nice, i love it!!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful picture! I love how you captured the movement of the water!

Annette said...

I recently bought these scented soy sprinkles from a company called The Pink Zebra. I've put them in my car, and now my car smells like orange slices whenever I'm driving. I LOVE the smell of citrus!

Unknown said...
